XXVIII - 7(95) Excerpt “Watchman, what of the night?”
"The hour has come, the hour is
striking and striking at you, EXEGESIS OF The 144,000 and the
Three Angels (Part 3) [Excerpt from wwn7(95)] The first
vision given to John after he was told, "Here is wisdom," is a climax
to a series of revelations given in the previous chapters. He was told that
"all that dwell on the earth shall worship" the first beast,
except those whose names are in "the book of life of the Lamb."
(13:8) It was also stated that those who would "not worship the image of
the beast should be killed." (13:15) In Chapter 12, it was declared that
those who overcome "the dragon" do so "by the blood of the Lamb,"
and these "loved not their lives unto death." (12:11) Now John sees a company with the Lamb on mount Sion,
144,000. This number stands in direct contrast to the "all"
who worship, the dragon, beast, and image. (13:4, 15)
These are commandment keepers; they have no other gods before Jehovah Elohim.
(Ex. 20:2-3) Further, they do not bow down to, nor serve any "image."
(Ex. 20:4-5) God honors them for their fidelity in the midst of universal
apostasy by placing His name in their foreheads. The 144,000
on The 144,000
with the Father's name in their foreheads Page
2 "the seal of God" (Rev. 7:3) - are in contrast to the
"all" who worship the beast and receive "a mark in their right
hand, or in their foreheads." (13:16) With the
emphasis on "the blood of the Lamb" as the means of victory, the
144,000 have nothing in their hands to bring, simply to the Lamb they cling.
Those who trust in the merits of their own works - Cain worship - receive a
mark in their right hand. John next
heard a Duo singing "a new song" in which the 144,000 unite their
voices. These voices are accompanied "by harpers harping on their
harps." (14:2-3) "The voice of many waters" is the voice of
"the Son of man." (1:15) The voice "of
a great thunder" is God Himself. Zephaniah seeing "the remnant of The 144,000
are indicated as having been "redeemed from among men." (14:4) James White made an insightful
observation on this point. He wrote: "Not out of their graves; no, no, - 'from
among men.' They must, therefore, be the living saints who are changed to
immortality at the coming of the Lord." (R&H,
1) The 144,000 are with
the Lamb on
2) The Lamb and God
sing a "new song" in which only the 144,000 can unite their voices.
3) The 144,000 become
"first fruits" to God and the Lamb. If James
White's observation first penned in 1850 is correct, and we believe it is, this
relationship between the 144,000 and the Divine Duo is further heightened by
the fact that those who are translated without seeing death put on
"immortality" in contrast to the "incorruption" of the
resurrected saints. (I Cor. 15:51-54) The word translated,
"immortality" (athanasia) is used only three times in the New
Testament, twice in I Corinthians 15:53-54, and once in I Tim. 6:l6. Here in
these related verses is a clear suggestion that the 144,000 will share in an
attribute of God as did the exalted Jesus who had laid aside this prerogative
to accomplish redemption. This resurrected Christ is also called, "the
first fruits." (I Cor. 15:23) There is an
interpretation read into these verses which designates the 144,000 as the
instruments by which God brings together the "great multitude" of
Revelation 7:9. Inasmuch as the 144,000 are discussed in both Revelation 7, and
14, we need to pause and consider the two prophetic pictures together. In
Revelation 7, the question is asked, "Who are these arrayed in white
robes, and where did they come from?" (v. 13 NKJV) There
is no question but that the great multitude are arrayed in white robes. The
text so states. (7:9) It also declares that the "multitude" come from "all nations, and kindreds,
and people, and tongues." Applying the
same question asked by "one of the elders" in Chapter 7 to Revelation
14 in regard to the 144,000, the answer is - they result from the Three Angels'
Messages, which are likewise given not only to "every nation, and kindred,
and tongue, and people" (14:6) but also to them "that dwell on the
earth." The 144,000 are not only "redeemed from among men," but
also are "redeemed from the earth." (14:3) Here
a judgment call must be made once again. Are we to interpret "earth"
as the symbolic "earth" of the continuous prophecy of Revelation 12
& 13, or do we interpret the word as applied to the planet as a whole? From the
picture in Revelation 14, must be added the descriptive concept of the 144,000
- "in their mouth was found no guile: for they are without fault before
the throne of God." (v. 5) In other words, "they keep the
commandments of God and the faith of Jesus." (v. 12) Compare Rev. 14:5
with I Peter 2:22, and consider the basic revelation of Chapter 12 - the
"Seed" of the Woman, the Man-child, and the "remnant of her
seed" which keep the commandments of God, and have the witness of Jesus.
(12:17) Where then does the "great multitude" enter the picture? In
Rev. 14:13 "a voice from heaven" is heard. The Holy Spirit speaks -
"Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth."
There is a point of time from which those who die in the Lord are called
"blessed." The text would suggest that point as the beginning of the
Three Angels' Messages. We next turn
our attention to the Three Angels Page
3 --
and their messages. Immediately we face a problem. How are we to
identify these angels, as symbols or real angels? We have said that they
represent a movement. We have perceived that movement to be the Adventist
Movement. However, there are more than three angels in Revelation 14. Besides
the three which "fly in the midst of heaven," there are three other
angels: two come "out of the temple," and one "out from the
altar." (vs. 15-18) One from the
"temple" and the one from the "altar" are involved with
"the great winepress of the wrath of God" and "the city." (vs. 19-20) The previous reference where "temple,"
"altar," and "city" are associated together is Rev. 11:1-2.
The references previous to Rev. 11:1, where the "altar" is seen is in
Chapters 8 & 9. There it is called, "the golden altar before the
throne." (8:3; 9:13) Our problem
is that if we interpret the three angels flying in the midst of heaven as an
earthly movement, how can we interpret the last three as literal? If all are
symbolic of "movements," what movements do the last three represent?
How do we interrelate these angels which come out of
the temple with the two temple scenes of Chapter 11:1, 19? Either we say that
they mean something different in Revelation 14, or we say that they must be
given a consistent identification in each reference where the term is used.
Whichever interpretive decision we make, we come face to face with the
realization that there are still areas in the book of Revelation that need
prayer and study. A suggestive
interpretation of the angels of Revelation 14 might be found in the designation
of the sixth angel. He had "authority ("power" - KJV) over the
fire." (v. 18 Gr.) In Revelation 16, the angel of
the third plague is spoken of as "the angel of the waters." (16:5) Throughout the entire book, angels are given specific
responsibilities in carrying out the directives that come from the throne of
God. Thus we could say that the first angel of Revelation 14 was given the
"authority" to see that the everlasting gospel with its specific
emphasis for earth's last hour was implemented. This he did through the Advent
Movement. From this viewpoint, the "angels of God" in Revelation are
real beings - "ministering spirits" - placed in charge of God's plans
and purposes to bring about the full realization of the victory of "His
Christ." (12:10) Considering
the messages of the first three angels of Revelation 14, as we seek to let the text
speak, we face problems in harmonizing what the text says with what our
tradition has read into these verses. The first
angel comes in the midst of heaven "having the everlasting gospel." (14:6) It is age-long (aionion); the same gospel
as promised to Eve in the beginning, and realized in the victory of the
Man-child. It is to go not only to "them that dwell on the
earth," but also to "every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and
people." It carried a specific message. "The hour of God's judgment
is come." "Is come" (elthen) is in the past
tense (Gr. aorist). When this angel gives its message, the judgment has
commenced. The message of the first angel is not a message telling of something
to come, but a proclamation of what has begun - God's judgment hour. Further it
is connected with three imperatives: 1)
"Fear God," 2)
"Give glory to Him," and 3)
"Worship Him who made." This message
could not be given until the Judgment had begun in Heaven no more than the
Spirit could come on Pentecost until the enthronement of Christ as High Priest
in the Heavenly Sanctuary. (See Acts 2:33) Thus the first angel began to sound
after 1844, not before. It is also a historical fact that the Movement directed
by this angel did not see the sanctuary truth of the final atonement of the
great High Priest, or the Sabbath truth until after The second
angel proclaims - " The third
angel joins the other two. However, in John's recording of this message, he
places it in the present tense - "If any man is worshiping (proskunei)
the beast and his image, and is receiving (lambanei) a mark
...." (14:9) This message, therefore, except in a
warning of what will be, cannot be "present truth" until the
"mark" is in place, and the proclamation to worship is made. It needs
to be kept in mind that the cause to worship this beast is contingent on the
fact that "the deadly wound was healed." (13:12) Page
4 When we
consider the "wisdom" and "understanding" given to John in
the previous chapter (13:18), we discover that the basic element in this
warning is against the worship of man for the "beast" is a man! The
third angel joins his voice in warning that the rejection of the everlasting
gospel's imperatives - "Fear God, and give glory to Him ... and worship
Him who made" - and in its place, worshiping man in whatever form that may
take, brings "the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without
mixture." (14:10) In the final
confrontation when all that dwell on the face of the earth bow in worship to
the beast that had a deadly wound and "was healed," there will be a
"remnant of Israel" who, as the Three Worthies before them, refuse to
bow to the image - they will keep the commandments of God, and the faith of
Jesus." (14:12) It will be a trying ordeal for it will reveal the
"endurance" (patience - KJV) of the saints. "But he that shall
endure unto the end, the same shall be saved." (Matt. 24:13) This verse -
14:12 - is interesting in that not only do the "saints" keep
the commandments of God, they also keep the faith of Jesus. We hear much
about "keeping" the commandments of God, but we hear little, if any
thing, about keeping the faith of Jesus. This word, "keep" (tereo)
is the same word as used in the blessing pronounced upon those who "keep
those things which are written" in the book of Revelation. (1:3; 22:7, 9)
John uses this word frequently in both his Gospel and first Epistle. In these
books, it is used primarily with keeping the commandments, and the sayings of
Jesus. We might
ask, does the keeping of the faith of Jesus mean entering into the experience
He entered, in both Gethsemane and Calvary, where unable to see through the
darkness, He simply prayed, "Thy will be done. Father into thy hands I
commend my spirit." Will the 144,000 who go with the Lamb "withsoever He goeth," have also gone with Him through
their Gethsemane and
"One thing will certainly be understood from a study of Revelation,
- that the connection between God and His people is close and decided.” (TM, p. 114) |