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That prophecy is a part of God's revelation to man; that it is included in that Scripture which is profitable for instruction (2 Tim. 3:16); that it is designed for us and our children (Deut. 29:29); that so far from being enshrouded in impenetrable mystery, it is that which especially constitutes the word of God as a lamp to our feet and a light to our path. (Ps. 119:105; 2 Peter 1:19); that a blessing is pronounced upon those who study it (Rev. 1:1-3); and that, consequently, it is to be understood by the people of God sufficiently to show them their position in the world's history and the special duties required at their hands. (1914 Yearbook, p. 293)



"A Message Whose Time Has Come"

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DISTRESS OF NATIONS WITH PERPLEXITY - A Sign of the last remnant of time

CONTINUING COVERAGE OF THE GEOLOGICAL AND CLIMATOLOGICAL SIGNS WHICH MULTIPLY - “the sea and the waves roaring” Luke 21:25; “Calamities, earthquakes, floods, disasters by land and by sea, will increase. . . ." - (R&H, December 11, 1900):

Natural disasters and extreme weather

The Global Disaster Alert and Coordination System




A Major Path For Rome Among Many Converging through Jerusalem to Global Domination By Satan in Person - the Ultimate Antichrist

The insight of A. T. Jones that needs to be kept in mind as Roman Catholic legislation proliferates throughout America - "The papacy is very impatient of any restraining bonds"  more . . .

Ellen G. White: "When the leading churches of the United States, uniting upon such points of doctrine as are held by them in common, shall influence the state to enforce their decrees and to sustain their institutions, then Protestant America will have formed an image of the Roman hierarchy, and the infliction of civil penalties upon dissenters will inevitably result." (GC 445.1)

"When Protestantism shall stretch her hand across the gulf to grasp the hand of the Roman power, when she shall reach over the abyss to clasp hands with Spiritualism, when, under the influence of this threefold union, our country shall repudiate every principle of its Constitution as a Protestant and Republican government, and shall make provision for the propagation of papal falsehoods and delusions, then we may know that the time has come for the marvelous working of Satan, and that the end is near." (5T 451.)

My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children. Hosea 4:6

We do not go deep enough in our search for truth. Every soul who believes present truth will be brought where he will be required to give a reason of the hope that is in him. The people of God will be called upon to stand before kings, princes, rulers, and great men of the earth, and they must know that they do know what is truth. (Review and Herald, February 18, 1890; TM 119)

Spirit of Prophecy Policy on Family Planning  (For full context cf. Adventists and Birth Control; Adventists and Birth Control (Concluded)

A quotation to be kept in mind and applied to current events:

"What the Jesuit Order is for the left wing of the Roman Catholic Church, Opus Dei is for its right wing. (Hegelian politics at its finest, for the Roman Catholic Church cannot lose if it has strong ties with both ends of the political spectrum!)" (From Opus Dei in the USA)

We are now witnessing Hegelian politics, advancing in particular under a Jesuit Pope, linked with Opus Dei machinations in America.


Certain of the popular positions mentioned approvingly in some hyperlinked reports, essays, and blogs on this web page will of necessity cause reactions of strong disagreement, or at the very least discomfort, on the part of many readers. Regrettably, these positions cannot be separated from the core issues in the reports which prove the fulfillment of major end-times prophecies, and may of themselves be fulfillment of the prophecy of the Apostle Paul in 2 Timothy 3:1-5.

LINK TO 2022

In his book titled Facts of Faith, published in 1943, Christian Edwardson documented the historical facts stated in the following excerpt:

(Excerpt from Newscorp Scandal)




And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels,
And prevailed not; neither was their place found any more in heaven.
And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.
And I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, Now is come salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of his Christ: for the accuser of our brethren is cast down, which accused them before our God day and night.
And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death.
Therefore rejoice, ye heavens, and ye that dwell in them. Woe to the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea! for the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time (Rev. 12:7-12, KJV.)

Revelation 13 opens to view two powers of earth which are the end-time agents of the devil to wreak the diabolical cruelties of his wrath. They mark the culmination of the exaltation of man in Satan's rebellion against the true God of the Universe. Of these powers the Church of Rome is pre-eminent. From the description of the first beast of Revelation 13:1-2, it is established that it represents Rome, of which verse 2 (last part) states that "the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority.":-


In the Twelfth Chapter of Revelation, John heard a "Woe" pronounced on "the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea." In the Thirteenth Chapter, two "beasts" are seen, one rising "up out of the sea," and the other "coming up out of the earth." (vs. 1, 11) These two beasts are related in the text to the dragon. One receives "his power, and his seat, and great authority" directly from the dragon (v. 2). The other, "spake as a dragon" and exercised "all the authority of the first beast," which authority had been given it by the dragon. (vs. 11-12).

The commonality between the first beast and the dragon is further heightened in the imagery. Both have seven heads and ten horns (12:3; 13:1) However, there is a movement of one item in the symbols; the crowns are placed on the "horns" of the first beast, rather than remaining on the "heads." It must also be kept in mind that the book of Revelation presents a third beast with seven heads and ten horns. (17:3) No crowns are seen on this symbolism either on the "heads" or the "horns."

What is this telling us? If a "crown" is symbolic of reigning, then the "dragon" is portrayed as functioning through its seven heads from the time of the first gospel promise to the time of, and including the war with the "remnant of her seed." The first beast of Revelation 13 would then be operating at the time of the reigning of "the ten horns."

To further identify this beast, the description is closely associated with the vision given to Daniel (Chap. 7). The lion, the bear, and the leopard are followed by a nondescript beast. In Revelation 13, the nondescript beast is a composite, "like unto a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion" (v. 2). This is the exact order as found in Daniel 7, only reversed. In the vision to Daniel, he saw that the dominion of the three beasts was "taken away: yet their lives were prolonged for a season and time." (7:12). The symbolic representation in Revelation 13, tells us that the lives of the three beasts of Daniel 7 lived on in the first beast. . .

The book of Daniel in the visions as recorded in Chapters 7 & 8, present both pagan and papal Rome as one continuous power. The "little horn" of Daniel 7, ever remains in and is nourished by the nondescript beast (7:8). Further this beast is pictured as continuing "till ... slain, and his body destroyed, and given to the burning flame." (7:11) The problem then is to interrelate all of this data to the first beast of Revelation 13, for it is this beast along with the second which are consigned to "the burning flame" (Rev. 19:20). . .

The identity of the second beast is analyzed here.


For 2,000 years Satan has waged war against the Word of God, and His people, by infiltrating the early Christian Church with men who would "distort the Truth to draw disciples after them" (Acts 20:29-30, Berean Standard Bible.)

Having distorted the Truth to draw disciples after them, these men had already revealed the spirit of Satan in them, of whom Jesus said, "when he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it (John 8:44, last part.)

By lies and deceptions the Church of Rome has become corrupted as a Christian Church up to the third century, to a false religion identified in the Books of Daniel and Revelation as representing Satan in his opposition to Almighty God. The Roman Church is more pagan than Christian. How did this come about?:-

What is the origin of the Roman Catholic Church?

The Roman Catholic Church contends that its origin is the death, resurrection, and ascension of Jesus Christ in approximately AD 30. The Catholic Church proclaims itself to be the church that Jesus Christ died for, the church that was established and built by the apostles. Is that the true origin of the Catholic Church?

On the contrary. Even a cursory reading of the New Testament will reveal that the Catholic Church does not have its origin in the teachings of Jesus or His apostles. In the New Testament, there is no mention of the papacy, worship/adoration of Mary (or the immaculate conception of Mary, the perpetual virginity of Mary, the assumption of Mary, or Mary as co-redemptrix and mediatrix), petitioning saints in heaven for their prayers, apostolic succession, the ordinances of the church functioning as sacraments, infant baptism, confession of sin to a priest, purgatory, indulgences, or the equal authority of church tradition and Scripture. So, if the origin of the Catholic Church is not in the teachings of Jesus and His apostles, as recorded in the New Testament, what is the true origin of the Catholic Church?

For the first 280 years of Christian history, Christianity was banned by the Roman Empire, and Christians were terribly persecuted. This changed after the “conversion” of the Roman Emperor Constantine. Constantine provided religious toleration with the Edict of Milan in AD 313, effectively lifting the ban on Christianity. Later, in AD 325, Constantine called the Council of Nicea in an attempt to unify Christianity. Constantine envisioned Christianity as a religion that could unite the Roman Empire, which at that time was beginning to fragment and divide. While this may have seemed to be a positive development for the Christian church, the results were anything but positive. Just as Constantine refused to fully embrace the Christian faith but continued many of his pagan beliefs and practices, so the Christian church that Constantine and his successors promoted progressively became a mixture of true Christianity and Roman paganism.

Following are a few examples:

Most Roman Catholic beliefs and practices regarding Mary are completely absent from the Bible. Where did those beliefs come from? The Roman Catholic view of Mary has far more in common with the Isis mother-goddess religion of Egypt than it does with anything taught in the New Testament. Interestingly, the first hints of Catholic Mariology occur in the writings of Origen, who lived in Alexandria, Egypt, which happened to be the focal point of Isis worship.

The Lord’s Supper being a consumption of the literal body and blood of Jesus is not taught in the Bible. The idea that bread and wine are miraculously transformed into the literal body and blood of Jesus (transubstantiation) is not biblical. However, several ancient pagan religions, including Mithraism, which was very popular in the Roman Empire, had some form of “theophagy” (the eating of one’s god) as a ritualistic practice.

Roman Catholicism has “saints” one can pray to in order to gain a particular blessing. For example, Saint Gianna Beretta Molla is the patron saint of fertility. Francis of Assisi is the patron saint of animals. There are multiple patron saints of healing and comfort. Nowhere is even a hint of this taught in Scripture. Just as the Roman pantheon of gods had a god of love, a god of peace, a god of war, a god of strength, a god of wisdom, etc., so the Catholic Church has a saint who is “in charge” over each of these and many other categories. Many Roman cities had a god specific to the city, and the Catholic Church provided “patron saints” for cities as well.

The idea that the Roman bishop is the vicar of Christ, the supreme leader of the Christian Church, is utterly foreign to the Word of God. The supremacy of the Roman bishop (the papacy) was created with the support of the Roman emperors. While most other bishops (and Christians) resisted the idea of the Roman bishop being supreme, the Roman bishop eventually rose to supremacy, again, due to the power and influence of the Roman emperors. After the western half of the Roman Empire collapsed, the popes took on the title that had previously belonged to the Roman emperors—Pontifex Maximus.

Many more examples could be given. These four should suffice in demonstrating the origin of the Catholic Church. Of course, the Roman Catholic Church denies the pagan origin of its beliefs and practices. The Catholic Church disguises its pagan beliefs under layers of complicated theology and church tradition. Recognizing that many of its beliefs and practices are utterly foreign to Scripture, the Catholic Church is forced to deny the authority and sufficiency of Scripture.

The origin of the Catholic Church is the tragic compromise of Christianity with the pagan religions that surrounded it. Instead of proclaiming the gospel and converting the pagans, the Catholic Church “Christianized” the pagan religions and “paganized” Christianity. By blurring the differences and erasing the distinctions, the Catholic Church made itself attractive to the idolatrous people of the Roman Empire. One result was the Catholic Church becoming the supreme religion in the Roman world for centuries. However, another result was the most dominant form of Christianity apostatizing from the true gospel of Jesus Christ and the true proclamation of God’s Word.

Second Timothy 4:3–4 declares, “For the time will come when men will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear. They will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths.”

The pagan identity of the Catholic Church is a clearly established fact. This is now strangely ignored by the majority of Protestant churches.

History reveals that after Satan won his victory over Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden, paganism became his primary vehicle to confuse humanity about the true God and His redemptive work of restoration for those whom He had made in His image:-

Pagan Influence upon Christianity

Ancient Babylon was infamous for its pagan mystery religions, or cults, and the Bible makes various references to some of them. For example, in Jeremiah 51:7 we see a mysterious "Golden Cup"; in 2 Thessalonians 2:7 we read of a "Mystery of Iniquity"; and in Revelation 17:5, John refers to the "Mystery of Babylon the Great" in his prophecies of the end times. We will use enlightenment from the book, "The Two Babylons" by Alexander Hislop, to explore the origins of the ancient Babylonian cults, and then examine some of the apparent influences of those cults which have been carried over into Christianity.

Ancient Mystery Religions

In Christianity, we read about a man named Nimrod in the book of Genesis, and history tells us that he was the first King of Babylon, and that this is where the mystery religions originated. Genesis 10:9 tells us that Nimrod was a mighty hunter and a great archer. History has attached many different names to him, and the reading of the historical accounts of Nimrod is often complicated because of all of these different names, including: Sogittarius; Bal; Bel; Belus; Kronos; the horned one; and, the scatterer abroad. Nimrod was deified and was said to have taken the form of a gigantic horned man-bull, where his horns were a symbol of power, and a leopard was used to symbolize his deity. Sometimes he was known as Baal-aberin, the winged one, who was celebrated as the elevator of the heavens, and the emancipator and deliverer of mankind.

In classical literature, Nimrod is sometimes called Ninus, but Ninus was probably, in fact, Nimrod's son, the builder of the city of Ninevah. Nimrod's wife was Semiramis, the Queen of Heaven, and sometimes her husband is called Ninus, while other times, Ninus is said to be her son. The confusion is related to the story of Nimrod's deification. The legend said that Nimrod was killed, but that he was resurrected as his wife's son, a feat which could have been orchestrated only by a god. Thus, began the mother/child cult religions. Semiramis, sometimes called Rhea, came to be known as the Great Mother of the gods, while her son, Ninus, or Bacchus, or Tammuz (Ezekiel 8:14) was known as The Lamented One. Tammuz is sometimes called Adonis or Dionysus. Other variations of the Babylonian gods of Rhea and Tammuz included Ceres (or Irene) and Plutus in Greece, Isis and Osiris in Egypt, Fortuna and Jupiter in pagan Rome, Isi and Iswara in India, Cybele and Deoius in Asia, Shing Moo in China, and the Goddess mother and son in Tibet. All of these boast similar stories of their gods, and it is easy to believe that all of the legends were derived from Rhea and Tammuz. In some literature, it is believed that Tammuz was known as Hercules the Lamenter, and he is sometimes confused with the Shem of the Bible, or at least with being his descendent. Some believe that the Crishna of the Hindus and the Budda of Japan are also derivations of these same Babylonian gods.

It is not difficult to see how some of the traditions of these ancient pagan gods carried over into Christian Rome. Even in the first century, poems confused the pagan story of the divine father, mother, and son with the Christian story of Joseph, Mary, and Jesus. In Japan, Spain, and India, there were pagan legends of three-headed gods which some confused with the trinity of the Godhead of Christianity. In many pagan lands, mother-worship prevailed and was supported by citing Genesis 3:15 as proof that the mother would bruise the heel of Satan, and that she indeed had power over him. In paganism, the Messiah is sometimes seen as only a mediator between the goddess and mankind, instead of as a savior, as in Christianity. . .


It is interesting to note at this point that many of the stories of the pagans with the true story of Christ. They often refer to the birth of a divine son coincide , a mediatorial messiah, and his death and supernatural resurrection. Satan has managed to confuse the truth with enough lies so that the unsuspecting worshippers can easily be deceived. For example, Hercules was known as the deliverer of the human race.

Infiltration into Christianity

How could Christians have been so deceived? Hislop says, "To conciliate the pagans to nominal Christianity, Rome, pursuing its usual policy, took measures to get the Christian and pagan festival amalgamated, and by a complicated but skillful adjustment of the calendar, it was found no difficult matter, in general, to get paganism and Christianity--now far sunk in idolatry--in this as in so many other things, to shake hands."

At the Council at Aurelia in about 519 AD, under the authority of Hormisdas, Bishop of Rome, a decree was granted that called for Lent to be solemnly observed before Easter. There had traditionally been fasting before the Nicene Council, but it had never lasted for more than three weeks. Then Abbot Dionysius the Little set the Christian era as beginning four years from Christ's birth. This is why many scholars today believe that Christ was born in 4 BC according to today's calendar.

In speaking of the Bible, Linacer, a physician during the reign of Henry VIII said, "Either this book is not true, or we are not Christians."

Pagan Influence upon Roman Catholicism

As shown in the article mentioned above, many facets of the pagan religions of ancient Babylon found their way into Christian traditions, and some even persist in Protestant churches today. However, according to Alexander Hislop, in "The Two Babylons," these pagan practices have been more deeply engrained in Roman Catholicism throughout the centuries, with far more persistence. Revelation 17:5 refers to the "Mystery of Babylon the Great," and some Bible scholars even interpret this to be a reference to the Catholic Church in the last days. We will use Hislop's writings to examine Roman Catholicism in light of its origins.

The Church of Rome

Hislop considers the Church of Rome during the start of Catholicism and into the Dark Ages. The symbol of the Church of Rome became the woman with a cross in her left hand, and a cup in her right. It was said that "the whole world is her seat." During the Dark Ages, the Bible was sealed and unknown to the common man. People were forced to believe like the church believed. The priests reserved the right of teaching the faith, and the clergy sold dispositions of the true faith of Christianity. They practiced celibacy and priest craft, and held a mysterious power of dominion over the faith. Some did not even realize that they had simply adopted the pagan customs of the ancient mystery religions.

It is not difficult to see how some of the traditions of these ancient gods carried over into Christian Rome. Even in the first century, poems confused the story of the divine father, mother, and son with the story of Joseph, Mary, and Jesus. In Japan, Spain, and India, there were legends of three-headed gods which some confused with the trinity of the Godhead. In many lands, mother-worship prevailed and was supported by citing Genesis 3:15 as proof that the mother would bruise the heel of Satan, and that she indeed had power over him. The Messiah is sometimes seen as only a mediator between the goddess and mankind, instead of as a savior.


A primary example of the analogies drawn between the Babylonian mystery religions and Roman Catholicism is the practice of incorporating certain well-kept secrets that are available to only a select few. Rome insured that the common man was studiously kept in the dark, as did Babylon. Throughout the years, Catholicism has become known for a priesthood which seems to include only members of the clergy. By discouraging the reading of the Bible in the common language of the people, the church has also discouraged personal Bible study among its non-clergy members. This in turn has tended to teach the laypersons to become very dependent upon the clergy for Bible truths, and even for access to God. This hardly seems in step with the priesthood of the believer (1 Peter 2:5, 9), where we are all encouraged to enter into the mind of God through His revealed Word.

How did Paganism get into the church?

God set the early church in the true direction it should go and how it was seduced and usurped by the Roman Emperor, paganism and false leaders......

The apostle Paul, in his second letter to the Thessalonians, foretold the great He declared that before the return of Christ would, "come a falling away first, an apostasy which would result in the establishment of the Roman papal power, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; who exalteth himself above all that is called God;" Even at that early date he saw, creeping into the church, errors in belief that would prepare the way for the false teachings to come in.

Little by little, and then more openly as it increased in strength and gained control of believers, paganism and idol worship came into the church. Almost imperceptibly the customs of heathenism found their way into the Christian church. Compromise and conformity to paganism was held back for a time by the fierce persecutions by the Roman Emperors. But as persecution ceased, and Christianity was accepted and entered the courts and palaces of the Emperors and Kings, the true church laid aside the humble simplicity of Christ for the pomp and pride of pagan priests and rulers; and in place of the truth from God, she substituted human theories and traditions.

It started with Emperor Constantine, who tried politically not leave out or alienate those who practiced paganism after he claimed to convert to Christianity. He declared the Bishop of Rome as the enforcer of truth and forced the merger of paganism into the church, and the heathen religion now cloaked with a form of righteousness, walked into the church. Paganism, while appearing to be vanquished by the church, became the conqueror. Pagan doctrines, ceremonies, and superstitions were incorporated into the faith and worship of the professed followers of Christ.

This compromise between paganism and Christianity resulted in the development of "the man of sin" foretold in prophecy as opposing and exalting himself above God.

In the early church, the bishop of Rome (along with Alexandria and Antioch) was regarded as a Patriarchate, i.e. an autonomous diocese. To this group was added the patriachates of Constantinople and Jerusalem in the fifth century. This group of five was regarded as leading the church as a whole. However, gaining political influence and claiming "historical events" (e.g. the tradition that Peter and Paul had been martyred in Rome) the Bishop of Rome made himself first among equals. To secure worldly gains and honors, the church was led to seek the favor and support of the great men of earth; the church was forced to yield allegiance to the bishop of Rome.

It being an established fact that Roman Catholicism is paganism wrapped in a cloak of Christianity, who then are Roman Catholics and their fellow travellers in a now established alliance really worshipping in reality?

Who Is The Roman Catholic Church Really Worshiping?

This study will reveal the meaning of the symbols, statues and attire used by the Pope and priests, as they reveal what the Papal Church is really worshiping.

For thousands of years Pagan religions have used symbols to show which gods they worshiped. These symbols were declared openly in Egypt, Babylon, Rome and other cultures.

These symbols are still used today, but their true meanings are hidden. Most people typically don’t notice the symbol or they have a positive impression of it.

The enlightened understand the meaning behind the symbols, and they use them to communicate with others.

Leaders of a Christian Church should not have anything to do with the symbols of pagan gods.

“For what fellowship has righteousness with lawlessness? And what communion has light with darkness? And what agreement has the temple of God with idols? For you are the temple of the living God.” 2 Corinthians 6:14,16

If you’re Catholic, ask yourself why the leaders of the Roman Catholic Church are using all of these symbols of pagan gods.

In this article there follow pictures/photographs of the symbols, statues and attire used by the Pope and priests, some of which are used in Satan worship. It is noteworthy that dragons are displayed at the Vatican, some in the crests of Popes. These are staggeringly brazen admissions of worshipping the god of this world.

The dragon has set a deadly trap for the Christian world! It is in plain view, yet strangely not perceived. The reason why must be as set forth by the Apostle Paul in 2 Thessalonians:2, which is the subject of the last section of this paper.

No Christian church firmly grounded in the Truth of God as revealed in the doctrines and prophecies of the Bible could ever be seduced into fraternizing with the Church of Rome:


The world is convinced that Roman Catholicism is Christianity. Yet when one examines the Bible—even the Roman Catholic Bible—one soon discovers the obvious difference, and the many distinct contradictions that exist between Roman Catholicism and true Biblical Christianity. This difference reveals Roman Catholicism as nothing but old paganism clothed in Christian veneer.

FOREWORD [The web page is obviously the content of an eighth booklet following  seven booklets also referenced. Note the sections on the  ecumenical movement and syncretism.]

This illustrated booklet will show further pagan connections to Roman Catholicism apart from those already disclosed in the seven booklets preceding it.

These seven booklets show conclusively the pagan origin of many Roman Catholic teachings and practices, such as the Rosary, Purgatory, Baptism, Confession, Mary, the Mass and the Roman Catholic ‘way to Salvation.’

If you have read the other booklets in this series, you have already been made aware of the fact that there are many and varied ties between Roman Catholicism and paganism. We have established that the mixing of Christianity and paganism is strictly forbidden by God and is an abomination to Him, and therefore should be so to everyone who professes to be Christian.

We have shown that the official footnotes in the Roman Catholic Bible—from which we have quoted throughout this series—to 2 Corinthians 6:14-16a, also condemns this vile mixture, with the words: "...Christianity is NOT compatible with paganism."

Yet in saying this, the Roman Catholic Church condemns herself, as we have proven repeatedly in this series of booklets and will demonstrate in this final booklet, for Roman Catholicism has sustained the traditions, teachings, rites and practices of some of the darkest elements of satanically inspired paganism!


"One finds every shade of New Age, Occult, and mystical belief inside the Roman Catholic Church...‘Catholic World’ had an entire issue affirming the New Age movement, without a word of condemnation or correction (May/June 1989). Thousands of priests and nuns practice Yoga and other forms of Hindu or Buddhist mysticism. (Roman) Catholic schools across the country, once looked upon as bastions of sound education, are as permeated with occult and New Age methods as are the public schools....(Roman) Catholic retreat centers around the world mix ‘Christianity’ with Hinduism, Buddhism, and all manner of New Age beliefs and practices....The entire May/June issue of ‘Catholic World’ was devoted to Buddhism. The articles were all sympathetic, including favorable quotes from the Pope" (‘A Woman Rides The Beast’, pp.420-421).

A close friend of Pope John Paul II is the Dalai Lama, who is the leader of the world’s Buddhists. Buddhism is an avowed enemy of Christianity and has sworn to see her destruction and banishment from this earth. (See Pope John Paul II pictured with the Dalai Lama on the video ‘Roman Catholicism’.) . . .

[Photograph of John Paul II with the Dalai Lama]

The Dalai Lama does not believe that Jesus Christ is God and that He died to atone for the sins of His people. Also denied are many other fundamental Christian doctrines. So what is the Pope, the alleged leader of the Christian Church, doing mixing with people such as the Dalai Lama and calling him a close friend?

Included on the video, ‘Roman Catholicism’, is footage of a prayer gathering in Assisi, Italy 1986, where leaders from 160 religions met to pray to God for world peace. Among them are serpent worshippers, fire worshippers, Buddhists, Muslims, Spiritists, Hindus and Animists. Pope John Paul II announced: "We are all praying to the one God", yet they all believe in a different god, and certainly not in the Lord Jesus Christ as the One, true and only God. . .

[Photograph of the Assisi prayer gathering]

Ecumenism, in essence, has no place for the one true and only God, for it caters to every false god and lends credibility to every false belief imaginable. It is the resurrection of Babylonianism.

Catholicism’s involvement in this anti-christian movement is firmly entrenched. Whilst addressing the World Council of Churches in Geneva, Switzerland, Pope John Paul II declared: "From the beginning of my ministry as bishop of Rome, I have insisted that the engagement of the Catholic Church in the Ecumenical movement is irreversible" (‘The Fresno Bee’, June 13, 1984, p.C12).

[From the web page.] Below, we see a photograph of the Pope shaking hands with a voodoo chief. Voodoo is the religion of many African countries. It includes religious rites and ceremonies, which contain much dancing. These dances, which can go on for days on end, are performed in order to invoke demon spirits and to invite possession to take place by those spirits. It is a vile and anti-christian religion. The Voodoo religion in Haiti sees every ceremony commence with Roman Catholic prayers. There is a saying: Haiti is 85% Roman Catholic and 110% Voodoo! . . .

[Photograph of John Paul II shaking hands with a voodoo chief.]

But for the Pope of Rome, all this means little. During this visit to Africa, where wild and frenetic dancing was performed in his presence by young girls in an effort to induce a trance state, the Pope told the followers of Voodoo that they would not be betraying their ancestors if they became Roman Catholic! And he was right— Christianity is not compatible with paganism, but Roman Catholicism certainly is.

What has a heathen religion like voodoo got to do with the purity and simplicity of the true Christian faith? And why would the Pope say such a thing to the followers of Voodoo; that they would not be betraying their Voodoo practicing ancestors if they became Roman Catholics, when the Roman Catholic Bible footnotes clearly state that Christianity is not compatible with paganism? The Roman Catholic Bible asks: "...what fellowship does light have with darkness?" (2 Corinthians 6:14).

The Roman Catholic Bible states: "You cannot drink the cup of the Lord and also the cup of demons" (1 Corinthians 10:21). Could you honestly imagine Jesus Christ saying to a follower of Voodoo that they would not be betraying their demon-worshipping ancestors if they became Christians?

[The foregoing is devastating for the Roman Catholic pretense of Christianity, and is followed by a pictorial commentary of pagan symbols in the Church of Rome.]

The following essay caps the whole:

Declaration on the Relationship of the Church to Non-Christian Religions (1965)

Given the Roman Church’s false ecumenism with the Eastern Orthodox, Anglicans, and Protestants, it is no surprise that it is engaged in syncretism with pagan religions.1 After all, Jehoshaphat’s false ecumenism with the apostate Northern Kingdom (II Chron. 18; 20:31-37) led him into syncretism with pagan Edom (II Kings 3). Rome has always been syncretistic to some degree. Witness its compromises in the conversion of the barbarians in Northern and Eastern Europe or the acceptance of pagan elements in its missionary work in Asia (where a Jesuit, Francis Xavier, even went too far for the pope), Central and South America, and Africa. In God’s just judgment, those who are willing to sell the truth of His Word in exchange for worldly, economic, or political gain find it hard to stop.2 With apostate churches, like Rome, things are far worse than we imagine; just read Ezekiel 8.

Vatican II (1962-1965) gives modern Rome’s creedal position on both its false ecumenism (the Decree of Ecumenism[1964]) and its syncretism (the Declaration on the Relationship of the Church to Non-Christian Religions [1965]).3 The latter is the shortest of Vatican II’s sixteen documents and is named Nostra Aetate in Latin (In Our Age).

The Declaration on the Relationship of the Church to Non-Christian Religions deliberately and explicitly emphasizes, and “gives primary consideration” to (p. 660), “common” ground (pp. 660, 663, 665) between Roman Catholicism and pagan religions. After a somewhat philosophical introduction, which seeks to find some lowest common denominator in man’s humanity and religiosity, and a paragraph outlining the evolutionary idea of the development of religion (pp. 660-661),Nostra Aetate turns to various religions, starting with those “farthest” from Christianity before coming to those “nearest” to it (pp. 661-667). . .

“Outside the [Roman] Church There Is No Salvation”?

What then of the famous formula, taken by Rome historically in a self-serving sense: “outside the [Roman] Church there is no salvation”? Robert Zins lists various proclamations by popes and Roman councils from A.D. 585 to 1950, stating Rome’s traditional position.10 For instance, the Council of Florence (1438) declared,

It firmly believes, professes, and proclaims that those not living within the [Roman] Catholic Church, not only pagans, but also Jews and heretics and schismatics cannot become participants in eternal life, but will depart ‘into everlasting fire which was prepared for the devil and his angels’ (Matt. 25:41).11

In Dogmatic Constitution on the Church (1964), “outside the [Roman] Church there is no salvation” is taken to mean “Whosoever…knowing that the Catholic Church was made necessary by God through Jesus Christ, would refuse to enter her or to remain in her could not be saved” (pp. 32-33).

This does not seem to exclude Jews or Muslims (pp. 34-35), for they are also included in “the plan of salvation” (p. 35). Moreover, “good” people can be saved in any religion or none:

Those also can attain to everlasting salvation who through no fault of their own do not know the gospel of Christ or His Church, yet sincerely seek God and, moved by grace, strive by their deeds to do His will as it is known to them through the dictates of their conscience (p. 35).

The Holy See has clearly given up its historic view of all other religions (and churches!) as false and idolatrous, another U-turn euphemistically called aggiornamento (Italian for “updating”). Rome still sees itself as the church ordained by Christ upon Peter, possessing “the very fullness of grace and truth,” as the Decree of Ecumenism puts it (p. 346), but—and this is the key point—whatever measure of grace and truth is in the other religions (or churches) leads back to Rome as the apex and fulfillment of all religion, for it is Christ’s one, holy, catholic, and apostolic church.

In its evaluation of pagan religions, as throughout its theology, Rome is opposed to God’s Word. All religions are false and idolatrous that do not worship the triune God of the Bible revealed in the cross of the Son of God (first commandment) [Not clear if this is an endorsement of this false doctrine, which is fundamental to Roman catholicism.] He has laid down in the Holy Scriptures (second commandment). Those who follow pagan religions are idolaters. In fact, they are serving demons, as both the Old Testament (Lev. 17:7; Deut. 32:17; II Chron. 11:15; Ps. 106:37) and the New (I Cor. 10:20-21; Rev. 9:20) declare.12 The Holy See rejects the scriptural position against paganism because it is thoroughly riddled with higher criticism of the Bible, evolutionism, and humanism; and it is itself pagan and idolatrous. Furthermore, the spirit of the ungodly world wants and promotes syncretism (and ecumenism). Syncretism is seen as the way of promoting world peace. This is evident from the policies and work of many national governments, the United Nations, and various non-governmental bodies, such as the Tony Blair Faith Foundation (TBFF).13 This is the purpose too with modern compendia of the texts of various religions.14

Goal and Methods of Rome’s Syncretism

The goal of Rome’s syncretism (like the goal of its false ecumenism) is the absorption and assimilation of all religions (and churches) into one worldwide religion (and church)—itself! The methods of its syncretism mirror those of its false ecumenism: honeyed words and common social activities: “…prudently and lovingly, through dialogue and collaborationacknowledge, preserve and promote the spiritual and moral goods found among these men, as well as the values in their society and culture” (pp. 662-663) and “make common cause of safeguarding and fostering social justice, moral values, peace, and freedom” (p. 663). Rome’s number 1 means of syncretism is, of course, dialogue (pp. 662, 665)! If evolutionism reckons that everything has come (eventually) through time and chance, Rome reckons everything will come its way (eventually) through time and dialogue.

With all the Eastern Orthodox, Anglican, and Protestant churches and others under Rome’s wing through false ecumenism and all the pagans under its umbrella through syncretism, the pope would have the whole world in his hands.

Concerning what might be an approving reference to the "triune God" in the above quoted passage, this website rejects such  a false concept of the Godhead. Nevertheless, this website heartily endorses the conclusion of the final sentence quoted.


The Roman Catholic Church was already steeped in paganism when Pope Leo the Great [reigned A.D. 440 to A.D. 461,] made a proud boast identifying the papacy with the pagan Roman Empire. Furthermore, Pope Boniface VIII [reigned 1298-1302, 800 years after Leo the Great] staged a demonstration also linking the Roman Church with the pagan empire. (as described in A. T Jones' The Consecrated Way to Christian Perfection.)

Such words of blasphemy as that of Boniface were succeeded by the satanic claim that the Pope is God on this earth (quotation possibly from an SDA website,) and numerous other staggering blasphemies such as that of THE ROMAN EUCHARIST:

The awesomeness of the power claimed by Rome for the priest as he celebrates the Eucharist is only declared but not described in this encyclical [John Paul II's Ecclesia de Eucharistia]. To understand the blasphemy of the Roman Mass, one must turn to the writings of those whom the pope cites. One of those cited was the sainted doctor of Rome [par. 251,] Alphonsus de Liguori who wrote on the "Dignity and Duties of the Priest." In a section on the "Grandeur of the Priestly Power," after noting and of Joshua (10:14), de Liguori wrote:

But our wonder should be far greater when we find that in obedience to the words of his priests - Hoc est Corpus Meum - God himself descends on the altar, that he comes wherever they call him, and as often as they call him, and places himself in their hands, even though they should be his enemies. After having come, he remains entirely at their disposal; they move him as they please, from one place to another; they may if they wish, shut him up in the tabernacle, or expose him on the altar, or carry him outside of the church; they may, if they choose, eat his flesh, and give him for the food of others. "0 how very great is their power," says St. Lawrence Justinian, speaking of priests. "A word falls from their lips and the body of Christ is there substantially formed from the matter of the bread, and the Incarnate Word descended from heaven, is really found present on the table of the altar! Never did divine goodness give such power to the angels. The angels abide by the order of God, but the priests take him in their hands, distribute him to the faithful, and partake of him as food for themselves." (pp. 26-27)In another section on the "Importance of the Priestly Office," de Liguori writes:

The dignity of the priest is estimated from the exalted nature of his offices. Priests are chosen by God to manage on earth all his concerns and interests. "Divine," says St. Cyril of Alexandria, "are the offices confided to the priest." St. Ambrose has called the priestly office a divine profession. A priest is a minister destined by God to be a public ambassador of the whole Church, to honor him, and to obtain graces for all the faithful. The entire Church cannot give to God as much honor, nor obtain so many graces, as a single priest by celebrating a single Mass; for the greatest honor that the whole Church without priests could give to God would consist in offering to him in sacrifice the lives of all men. But of what value are the lives of all men compared with the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, which is a sacrifice of infinite value? What are all men before God but a little dust? . . . Thus, by the celebration of a single Mass, in which he offers Jesus Christ in sacrifice, a priest gives greater honor to the Lord, than if all men by dying for God offered to him the sacrifice of their lives. By a single Mass, he gives greater honor to God than all the angels and saints, along with the Blessed Virgin Mary have given or shall give to him; for their worship cannot be of infinite value, like that which the priest celebrating on the altar offers to God. (pp. 24-25)

In justification of the assumption that the sacrifice of the Mass is superior to the Virgin Mary, de Liguori quotes St. Bernadine of Sienna as addressing Mary: "Holy Virgin, excuse me, for I speak not against thee: for the Lord has raised the priesthood above thee." Then he summarizes Bernadine's reasoning:

The saint assigns the reason of the superiority of the priesthood over Mary; she conceived Jesus Christ only once; but by consecrating the Eucharist, the priest, as it were, conceives him as often as he wishes, so that if the person of the Redeemer had not yet been in the world, the priest, by pronouncing the words of consecration, would produce this great person of a Man-God. "0 wonderful dignity of the priests," cries out St. Augustine, "in their hands, as in the womb of the Blessed Virgin, the Son of God becomes incarnate." Hence priests are called the parents of Jesus Christ: such is the title that St. Bernard gives them, for they are the active cause by which he is made to exist really in the consecrated Host.

Thus the priest may, in a certain manner, be called the creator of his Creator, since by saying the words of consecration, he creates, as it were, Jesus in the sacrament, by giving him a sacramental existence, and produces him as a victim to be offered to the eternal Father. As in creating the world it was sufficient for God to have said, Let it be made, and it was created - He spoke, and they were made, - so it is sufficient for the priest to say, "Hoc est corpus meum," and behold the bread is no longer bread, but the body of Jesus Christ. "The power of the priest," says St. Bernadine of Sienna, "is the power of the divine person; for the transubstantiation of the bread requires as much power as the creation of the world." And St. Augustine has written, "0 venerable sanctity of the hands! 0 happy function of the priest! He that created (if I may say so) gave me the power to create him; and he that created me is himself created by me!" As the Word of God created heaven and earth, so, says St. Jerome, the words of the priest create Jesus Christ. (pp. 32-33).

As in the statements the following document overflows with blasphemous statements that have emanated from Roman Catholic sources. Only a few are quoted. It is enlightening to read the entire list to be  thoroughly dissuaded from the idea that this could be a Christian Church: 

Blasphemous Roman Catholic Church Statements The Christian Life

The Roman Catholic Church or Catholic sources have throughout the years made a whole list of interesting statements. This list of quotes reveals the true colors of this church system as predicted in Bible prophecy. See for yourself how many of these statements are unbiblical or even outright blasphemous.

“The Pope and God are the same, so he has all power in Heaven and earth.” Pope Pius V, quoted in Barclay, Chapter XXVII, p. 218, ” Cities Petrus Bertanous

“The foundation of all our confidence is found in the Blessed Virgin Mary. God has committed to her the treasury of all good things, in order that everyone may know that through her are obtained every hope, every grace, and all salvation. For this is His will: That we obtain everything through Mary.” Pope Pius IX

“But the supreme teacher in the Church is the Roman Pontiff. Union of minds, therefore, requires, together with a perfect accord in the one faith, complete submission and obedience of will to the Church and to the Roman Pontiff, as to God Himself.” (Pope Leo XIII, Encyclical Letter, “On the Chief Duties of Christians as Citizens”, dated January 10, 1890, trans. in The Great Encyclical Letters of Pope Leo XIII, p. 193

“The Pope is of so great dignity, and so exalted that he is not a mere man, but as it were God and the vicar of God.” Ferraris Ecclesiastical dictionary

“All names which in the Scriptures are applied to Christ, by virtue of which it is established that He is over the church, all the same names are applied to the Pope.” On the Authority of the Councils, book 2, chapter 17

“That the Roman Church never erred, nor will it, according to the Scriptures, ever err.” (Gregory VII, Cesare Baronius, Annales, year 1076, secs. 31-33, vol 17 (1869 ed.), pp. 405, 406, translated)

“The Saviour Himself is the door of the sheepfold: ‘I am the door of the sheep.’ Into this fold of Jesus Christ, no man may enter unless he be led by the Sovereign Pontiff; and only if they be united to him can men be saved, for the Roman Pontiff is the Vicar of Christ and His personal representative on earth.” Pope John XXIII in his homily to the Bishops and faithful assisting at his coronation on November 4, 1958

“It was not necessary for the Redeemer to die in order to save the world; a drop of his blood, a single tear, or prayer, was sufficient to procure salvation for all; for such a prayer, being of infinite value, should be sufficient to save not one but a thousand worlds. … And God Himself is obliged to abide by the judgment of His priests, and either not to pardon or to pardon. Were the Redeemer to descend into a church, and sit in a confessional to administer the sacrament of penance, and a priest to sit in another confessional, Jesus would say over each penitent, “Ego te absolve,” the priest would likewise say over each of his penitents, “Ego te absolve,” and the penitents of each would be equally absolved… Thus the priest may, in a certain manner, be called the creator of his Creator, since by saying the words of consecration, he creates, as it were, Jesus in the sacrament, by giving him a sacramental existence, and produces him as a victim to be offered to the eternal Father… let the priest,” says St. Laurence Justinian, “approach the altar as another Christ.” St. Alphonsus Liguori, The Dignities and Duties of the Priest (1927)

“All names which in the Scriptures are applied to Christ, by virtue of which it is established that he is over the church, all the same names are applied to the Pope.” (Robert Bellarmine, Disputationes de Controversiis, Tom. 2, AControversia Prima, Book 2 (ADe Conciliorum Auctoritate [On the Authority of Councils]), chap. 17 (1628 ed., Vol. 1, p. 266), translated. . .

It is astounding that all of this appears to have been forgotten, or is being downplayed under the delusion that the Roman Church has changed since Vatican II! This applies to the Seventh-day Adventist Church as well as the Protestant world in general. Note in this hyperlinked passage that an SDA leader has published such a statement as this:

"To call this Christian church the "Roman Catholic" Church can be misleading if Protestants assume that the Roman Catholic Church of, say the sixth century was one big denomination among others, as it is today. Actually the Roman Catholic Church was virtually the Christian church in Western Europe for about a thousand years. Because of this early universality, both Protestants and Catholics may regard it as the embodiment of "our" Christian heritage, for better or for worse. And very often it was for the better. Of course!" (Ibid.)

What an incredible statement for a Seventh-day Adventist scholar to make. It is a flat denial of Bible prophecy (Rev. 12:6,) and of the historical record. What of the Church in the wilderness!?:


Chap. 3 - An Era of Spiritual Darkness

The apostle Paul, in his second letter to the Thessalonians, foretold the great apostasy which would result in the establishment of the papal power. He declared that the day of Christ should not come, “except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshiped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God.” And furthermore, the apostle warns his brethren that “the mystery of iniquity doth already work.” 2 Thessalonians 2:3, 4, 7. Even at that early date he saw, creeping into the church, errors that would prepare the way for the development of the papacy.

Little by little, at first in stealth and silence, and then more openly as it increased in strength and gained control of the minds of men, “the mystery of iniquity” carried forward its deceptive and blasphemous work. Almost imperceptibly the customs of heathenism found their way into the Christian church. The spirit of compromise and conformity was restrained for a time by the fierce persecutions which the church endured under paganism. But as persecution ceased, and Christianity entered the courts and palaces of kings, she laid aside the humble simplicity of Christ and His apostles for the pomp and pride of pagan priests and rulers; and in place of the requirements of God, she substituted human theories and traditions. The nominal conversion of Constantine, in the early part of the fourth century, caused great rejoicing; and the world, cloaked with a form of righteousness, walked into the church. Now the work of corruption rapidly progressed. Paganism, while appearing to be vanquished, became the conqueror. Her spirit controlled the church. Her doctrines, ceremonies, and superstitions were incorporated into the faith and worship of the professed followers of Christ.

This compromise between paganism and Christianity resulted in the development of “the man of sin” foretold in prophecy as opposing and exalting himself above God. That gigantic system of false religion is a masterpiece of Satan’s power—a monument of his efforts to seat himself upon the throne to rule the earth according to his will. . .

In the sixth century the papacy had become firmly established. Its seat of power was fixed in the imperial city, and the bishop of Rome was declared to be the head over the entire church. Paganism had given place to the papacy. The dragon had given to the beast “his power, and his seat, and great authority.” Revelation 13:2. And now began the 1260 years of papal oppression foretold in the prophecies of Daniel and the Revelation. Daniel 7:25; Revelation 13:5-7. . . Christians were forced to choose either to yield their integrity and accept the papal ceremonies and worship, or to wear away their lives in dungeons or suffer death by the rack, the fagot, or the headsman’s ax. Now were fulfilled the words of Jesus: “Ye shall be betrayed both by parents, and brethren, and kinsfolks, and friends; and some of you shall they cause to be put to death. And ye shall be hated of all men for My name’s sake.” Luke 21:16, 17. Persecution opened upon the faithful with greater fury than ever before, and the world became a vast battlefield. For hundreds of years the church of Christ found refuge in seclusion and obscurity. Thus says the prophet: “The woman fled into the wilderness, where she hath a place prepared of God, that they should feed her there a thousand two hundred and three-score days.” Revelation 12:6. . .

The Waldenses

Amid the gloom that settled upon the earth during the long period of papal supremacy, the light of truth could not be wholly extinguished. In every age there were witnesses for God—men who cherished faith in Christ as the only mediator between God and man, who held the Bible as the only rule of life, and who hallowed the true Sabbath. How much the world owes to these men, posterity will never know. They were branded as heretics, their motives impugned, their characters maligned, their writings suppressed, misrepresented, or mutilated. Yet they stood firm, and from age to age maintained their faith in its purity, as a sacred heritage for the generations to come.

The history of God’s people during the ages of darkness that followed upon Rome’s supremacy is written in heaven, but they have little place in human records. Few traces of their existence can be found, except in the accusations of their persecutors. It was the policy of Rome to obliterate every trace of dissent from her doctrines or decrees. Everything heretical, whether persons or writings, she sought to destroy. Expressions of doubt, or questions as to the authority of papal dogmas, were enough to forfeit the life of rich or poor, high or low. Rome endeavored also to destroy every record of her cruelty toward dissenters. Papal councils decreed that books and writings containing such records should be committed to the flames. Before the invention of printing, books were few in number, and in a form not favorable for preservation; therefore there was little to prevent the Romanists from carrying out their purpose.

No church within the limits of Romish jurisdiction was long left undisturbed in the enjoyment of freedom of conscience. No sooner had the papacy obtained power than she stretched out her arms to crush all that refused to acknowledge her sway, and one after another the churches submitted to her dominion.

In Great Britain primitive Christianity had very early taken root. The gospel received by the Britons in the first centuries was then uncorrupted by Romish apostasy. Persecution from pagan emperors, which extended even to these far-off shores, was the only gift that the first churches of Britain received from Rome. Many of the Christians, fleeing from persecution in England, found refuge in Scotland; thence the truth was carried to Ireland, and in all these countries it was received with gladness.

When the Saxons invaded Britain, heathenism gained control. The conquerors disdained to be instructed by their slaves, and the Christians were forced to retreat to the mountains and the wild moors. Yet the light, hidden for a time, continued to burn. In Scotland, a century later, it shone out with a brightness that extended to far-distant lands. From Ireland came the pious Columba and his colaborers, who, gathering about them the scattered believers on the lonely island of Iona, made this the center of their missionary labors. Among these evangelists was an observer of the Bible Sabbath, and thus this truth was introduced among the people. A school was established at Iona, from which missionaries went out, not only to Scotland and England, but to Germany, Switzerland, and even Italy.

But Rome had fixed her eyes on Britain, and resolved to bring it under her supremacy. In the sixth century her missionaries undertook the conversion of the heathen Saxons.

They were received with favor by the proud barbarians, and they induced many thousands to profess the Romish faith. As the work progressed, the papal leaders and their converts encountered the primitive Christians. A striking contrast was presented. The latter were simple, humble, and Scriptural in character, doctrine, and manners, while the former manifested the superstition, pomp, and arrogance of popery. The emissary of Rome demanded that these Christian churches acknowledge the supremacy of the sovereign pontiff. The Britons meekly replied that they desired to love all men, but that the pope was not entitled to supremacy in the church, and they could render to him only that submission which was due to every follower of Christ. Repeated attempts were made to secure their allegiance to Rome; but these humble Christians, amazed at the pride displayed by her emissaries, steadfastly replied that they knew no other master than Christ. Now the true spirit of the papacy was revealed. Said the Romish leader: “If you will not receive brethren who bring you peace, you shall receive enemies who will bring you war. If you will not unite with us in showing the Saxons the way of life, you shall receive from them the stroke of death.”—J. H. Merle D’Aubigne, History of the Reformation of the Sixteenth Century, b. 17, ch. 2. These were no idle threats. War, intrigue, and deception were employed against these witnesses for a Bible faith, until the churches of Britain were destroyed, or forced to submit to the authority of the pope.

In lands beyond the jurisdiction of Rome there existed for many centuries bodies of Christians who remained almost wholly free from papal corruption. They were surrounded by heathenism and in the lapse of ages were affected by its errors; but they continued to regard the Bible as the only rule of faith and adhered to many of its truths. These Christians believed in the perpetuity of the law of God and observed the Sabbath of the fourth commandment. Churches that held to this faith and practice existed in Central Africa and among the Armenians of Asia.

But of those who resisted the encroachments of the papal power, the Waldenses stood foremost. In the very land where popery had fixed its seat, there its falsehood and corruption were most steadfastly resisted. For centuries the churches of Piedmont maintained their independence; but the time came at last when Rome insisted upon their submission. After ineffectual struggles against her tyranny, the leaders of these churches reluctantly acknowledged the supremacy of the power to which the whole world seemed to pay homage. There were some, however, who refused to yield to the authority of pope or prelate. They were determined to maintain their allegiance to God and to preserve the purity and simplicity of their faith. A separation took place. Those who adhered to the ancient faith now withdrew; some, forsaking their native Alps, raised the banner of truth in foreign lands; others retreated to the secluded glens and rocky fastnesses of the mountains, and there preserved their freedom to worship God.

The faith which for centuries was held and taught by the Waldensian Christians was in marked contrast to the false doctrines put forth from Rome. Their religious belief was founded upon the written word of God, the true system of Christianity. But those humble peasants, in their obscure retreats, shut away from the world, and bound to daily toil among their flocks and their vineyards, had not by themselves arrived at the truth in opposition to the dogmas and heresies of the apostate church. Theirs was not a faith newly received. Their religious belief was their inheritance from their fathers. They contended for the faith of the apostolic church,—“the faith which was once delivered unto the saints.” Jude 3. “The church in the wilderness,” and not the proud hierarchy enthroned in the world’s great capital, was the true church of Christ, the guardian of the treasures of truth which God has committed to His people to be given to the world.

Among the leading causes that had led to the separation of the true church from Rome was the hatred of the latter toward the Bible Sabbath. As foretold by prophecy, the papal power cast down the truth to the ground. The law of God was trampled in the dust, while the traditions and customs of men were exalted. The churches that were under the rule of the papacy were early compelled to honor the Sunday as a holy day. Amid the prevailing error and superstition, many, even of the true people of God, became so bewildered that while they observed the Sabbath, they refrained from labor also on the Sunday. But this did not satisfy the papal leaders. They demanded not only that Sunday be hallowed, but that the Sabbath be profaned; and they denounced in the strongest language those who dared to show it honor. It was only by fleeing from the power of Rome that any could obey God’s law in peace. . .

The Waldenses were among the first of the peoples of Europe to obtain a translation of the Holy Scriptures. . . Hundreds of years before the Reformation they possessed the Bible in manuscript in their native tongue. They had the truth unadulterated, and this rendered them the special objects of hatred and persecution. They declared the Church of Rome to be the apostate Babylon of the Apocalypse, and at the peril of their lives they stood up to resist her corruptions. While, under the pressure of long-continued persecution, some compromised their faith, little by little yielding its distinctive principles, others held fast the truth. Through ages of darkness and apostasy there were Waldenses who denied the supremacy of Rome, who rejected image worship as idolatry, and who kept the true Sabbath. Under the fiercest tempests of opposition they maintained their faith. Though gashed by the Savoyard spear, and scorched by the Romish fagot, they stood unflinchingly for God’s word and His honor.

Behind the lofty bulwarks of the mountains—in all ages the refuge of the persecuted and oppressed—the Waldenses found a hiding place. Here the light of truth was kept burning amid the darkness of the Middle Ages. Here, for a thousand years, witnesses for the truth maintained the ancient faith. . .

The Vaudois churches, in their purity and simplicity, resembled the church of apostolic times. Rejecting the supremacy of the pope and prelate, they held the Bible as the only supreme, infallible authority. Their pastors, unlike the lordly priests of Rome, followed the example of their Master, who “came not to be ministered unto, but to minister.” They fed the flock of God, leading them to the green pastures and living fountains of His holy word. Far from the monuments of human pomp and pride the people assembled, not in magnificent churches or grand cathedrals, but beneath the shadow of the mountains, in the Alpine valleys, or, in time of danger, in some rocky stronghold, to listen to the words of truth from the servants of Christ. The pastors not only preached the gospel, but they visited the sick, catechized the children, admonished the erring, and labored to settle disputes and promote harmony and brotherly love. In times of peace they were sustained by the freewill offerings of the people; but, like Paul the tentmaker, each learned some trade or profession by which, if necessary, to provide for his own support.

From their pastors the youth received instruction. While attention was given to branches of general learning, the Bible was made the chief study. The Gospels of Matthew and John were committed to memory, with many of the Epistles. They were employed also in copying the Scriptures. Some manuscripts contained the whole Bible, others only brief selections, to which some simple explanations of the text were added by those who were able to expound the Scriptures. Thus were brought forth the treasures of truth so long concealed by those who sought to exalt themselves above God. . .

The Waldensian missionaries were invading the kingdom of Satan, and the powers of darkness aroused to greater vigilance. Every effort to advance the truth was watched by the prince of evil, and he excited the fears of his agents. The papal leaders saw a portent of danger to their cause from the labors of these humble itinerants. If the light of truth were allowed to shine unobstructed, it would sweep away the heavy clouds of error that enveloped the people. It would direct the minds of men to God alone and would eventually destroy the supremacy of Rome.

The very existence of this people, holding the faith of the ancient church, was a constant testimony to Rome’s apostasy, and therefore excited the most bitter hatred and persecution. Their refusal to surrender the Scriptures was also an offense that Rome could not tolerate. She determined to blot them from the earth. Now began the most terrible crusades against God’s people in their mountain homes. Inquisitors were put upon their track, and the scene of innocent Abel falling before the murderous Cain was often repeated.

Again and again were their fertile lands laid waste, their dwellings and chapels swept away, so that where once were flourishing fields and the homes of an innocent, industrious people, there remained only a desert. As the ravenous beast is rendered more furious by the taste of blood, so the rage of the papists was kindled to greater intensity by the sufferings of their victims. Many of these witnesses for a pure faith were pursued across the mountains and hunted down in the valleys where they were hidden, shut in by mighty forests and pinnacles of rock.

No charge could be brought against the moral character of this proscribed class. Even their enemies declared them to be a peaceable, quiet, pious people. Their grand offense was that they would not worship God according to the will of the pope. For this crime every humiliation, insult, and torture that men or devils could invent was heaped upon them.

When Rome at one time determined to exterminate the hated sect, a bull was issued by the pope, condemning them as heretics, and delivering them to slaughter. . . They were not accused as idlers, or dishonest, or disorderly; but it was declared that they had an appearance of piety and sanctity that seduced “the sheep of the true fold.” Therefore the pope ordered “that malicious and abominable sect of malignants,” if they “refuse to abjure, to be crushed like venomous snakes.”—Wylie, b. 16, ch. 1. Did this haughty potentate expect to meet those words again? Did he know that they were registered in the books of heaven, to confront him at the judgment? “Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these My brethren,” said Jesus, “ye have done it unto Me.” Matthew 25:40.

This bull called upon all members of the church to join the crusade against the heretics. As an incentive to engage in this cruel work, it “absolved from all ecclesiastical pains and penalties, general and particular; it released all who joined the crusade from any oaths they might have taken; it legitimatized their title to any property they might have illegally acquired; and promised remission of all their sins to such as should kill any heretic. It annulled all contracts made in favor of Vaudois, ordered their domestics to abandon them, forbade all persons to give them any aid whatever, and empowered all persons to take possession of their property.”—Wylie, b. 16, ch. 1. This document clearly reveals the master spirit behind the scenes. It is the roar of the dragon, and not the voice of Christ, that is heard therein. . .

The Church's backsliding has worsened since the offending statement above, which precedes these excerpts from The Great Controversy.

In these contemporary times, there are still some voices which have not walked the traitorous path back to Rome. These faithfully identify the true Church in the wilderness:


The mingling of Paganism with Christianity in the form of the Roman Catholic Church sparked a revolution in Christendom. It led those who desired to preserve the purity of true Bible religion to coalesce into a single organized system, geographically spanning northern Italy and south-western France. This group was known as the Waldenses.

The Waldenses were a group of people that formed a resistance against the moral corruption and physically damaging practices advocated by the system of monasticism that blossomed under the papacy. Vigilantius, who is credited with being the leader of this movement, encountered monasticism through his interactions with many of the scholars of his day. He was a peasant from southwestern Gaul which encompassed the areas we now know as France, Northern Italy, Luxembourg, Belgium and most of Switzerland.

Vigilantius was first brought into contact with monasticism through his employer Sulpicius Severus and through his interactions with the famous Roman Catholic monk Jerome, who translated the Latin Vulgate. What he saw was a system of spiritual pride and hypocrisy that rested on outward rites and rituals while the heart was still full of the corruption of sin. In addition to this, he was exposed to the subtleties of how paganism was thinly veiled under the guise of all that was Roman Catholic by witnessing the celebration of pagan holidays under Christian names and the worship of pagan gods under the guise of Christian saints.

He was appalled by what he saw and soon began to preach against this system to those in Gaul who occupied what is now known as Southwestern France and Northern Italy. Vigilantius denounced the hypocrisy and pride of the Roman Catholic Church and called for those who were longing for something more spiritually substantial to join him in making the Bible their only rule of faith and practice.

Many flocked to his standard, choosing to walk away from a religious system that relied on the traditions and dictates of men to stand under the banner of God’s word. One of the earliest known names of these believers was insabbati, demonstrating that they were Sabbath-keepers, being named after the day on which they worshiped.


The Waldenses became the vanguard of a powerful resistance movement that quietly and unobtrusively began to work to educate people about Bible truth and expose the errors and fallacies propagated by Rome. They were known for taking great pains to preserve the Bible, transcribing copies by hand for distribution throughout Europe. They didn’t see themselves as reformers because many of them had rejected the advances of the Roman Catholic Church from the outset. Instead, they saw themselves as champions and curators of biblical truth in the midst of a reign of spiritual darkness and apostasy.

For this they paid dearly, being slaughtered by the thousands and relegated to living in the caves of the alpine wilderness. Their story has been told and retold by countless writers and poets of the Renaissance who witnessed the terrible persecutions they faced. Yet in the face of such ruthlessness, they still clung unwaveringly to their faith in God and His Word, as firm and unyielding as the mighty mountains that had become their home.

One thing that the Waldenses did have in common with the Roman Catholic church was that they both saw the barbarian tribes that occupied Europe as a mission field. The fundamental difference, however, was that while the Roman Catholic Church used the power of the state, the terror of the sword and the inducement of political gain to advance their cause, the Waldenses put their faith in the strength of God’s Word.


They kept a low profile, making the rugged regions of the alpine valleys their homes and moving quietly among those who lived in the great cities of Europe. Eventually, facing relentless persecution in the lower valleys, the Waldenses moved into the higher alpine regions. Here they settled themselves and focused on evangelizing papal Europe, and to this end, they built training schools that covered the rugged mountainous region of the Piedmont Valley. . .


In times of intense persecution, these people of the valleys would gather together in their mountain hideouts, huddling for shelter in the dim and dank caves that crisscrossed the mountains. These caves were not only a place of refuge but a place of worship as well and here shut in by the cold stone walls, in a place of perfect peace and silence they sang their hymns and praises to God and spent time in simple but earnest congregational worship and prayer.

The Waldensian motto was Lux Lucet in Tenebris, light shining in the darkness and theirs was a light that burned steadily without waxing or waning for centuries, even in the face of terrible persecution. They chose to fiercely guard their commitment to the word of God and were willing to bear the cost that came with that commitment. Often that cost was to leave behind their homes and livelihoods to flee into the wild and rugged regions of the Alpine valleys.

Here they braved the most grueling conditions and their children had to learn the hard lessons of self-sacrifice, frugality, and resilience. To Waldensian parents, these lessons became the keystone of the training they offered their children and it was these lessons that forged them into hardy soldiers for the cause of Jesus. From a young age, they were trained in the scriptures, trained to endure privation and hardship to the end that they might be able missionaries for God amidst people held fast in the fetters of falsehood.


Yet even in their high mountain strongholds, the Waldenses were not immune to the fires of persecution breathed against them by the Roman Catholic Church. One of the most chilling and yet poignant examples of this is the story of the Waldensian massacre that took place atop the mighty Mt. Casteluzzo, one of the bloodiest and most horrific acts of genocide ever committed against a group of people.

And yet even in the face of such strong persecution the Waldensian people refused to bow their knees to the darkness and error of the Roman Catholic Church, they refused to be bullied into submission. In his poem “Invictus”, William Ernest Henley wrote:

In the fell clutch of circumstance

I have not winced nor cried aloud.

Under the bludgeonings of chance

My head is bloody but unbowed.

The poem is a testament to the man who instead of allowing his circumstances to mold him, takes hold of his circumstances, and by his grit and fortitude, molds them. To a great extent, this was the spirit of the Waldenses, the spirit that made them a light shining in the darkness.

Why were they so vehemently hated? Because they chose to stand for what was right, to stand against a religiopolitical machine that was oppressing the lives of so many innocent people. They were hated because they were unafraid and unashamed of holding up the torch of truth to expose the terrible secrets of darkness. They stood like Daniel in Babylon and weathered the worst storms of persecution and their example is a challenge to us today, presented most poignantly in the words of that old children’s classic that says:

“Dare to be a Daniel

Dare to stand alone

Dare to have a purpose firm

Dare to make it known”

Along with her brazen blasphemy, the Church of Rome has worked assiduously to destroy faith in the Bible as the Word of God inspired the Holy Spirit, by means of a methodology of interpretation known as Higher Criticism. This above all has brought the Protestant world to a condition described prophetically by the Apostle Paul as "strong delusion."


Concerning these last days, Ellen G. White wrote in The Great Controversy, at Page 431:

Looking down to the last days, the same Infinite Power declares, concerning those who “received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved“: “For this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: that they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.” 2 Thessalonians 2:10-12. As they reject the teachings of His word, God withdraws His Spirit and leaves them to the deceptions which they love.

But Christ still intercedes in man’s behalf, and light will be given to those who seek it.

The KJV leaves open whether a specific lie is involved. The NKJV changes "a lie" to "the lie," and this is supported by the literal translations. The consequences of believing the lie are defined in 2 Thessalonians 2:10-12:-

Young's Literal Translation: "and in all deceitfulness of the unrighteousness in those perishing, because the love of the truth they did not receive for their being saved, and because of this shall God send to them a working of delusion, for their believing the lie, that they may be judged -- all who did not believe the truth, but were well pleased in the unrighteousness."

Interlinear Bible: "and in all deceit of unrighteousness in those being lost, because they did not receive the love of the truth in order for them to be saved. And because of this, God will send to them a working of error, for them to believe the lie, that all may be judged, those not believing the truth, but who have delighted in unrighteousness."

Ellen G. White makes the course of events very clear, whether the reading is "strong delusion," "delusion," or "working of error." As she points out this indicates that we are in the "last days." Where is salvation when "the Holy Spirit is withdrawn?" It is He alone Who "leads" or "guides" us into all Truth (John 16:13.)

It is abundantly clear that delusions are rampant as false teachings are prospering in the apostate Christian world, not least of all in the era of the "Religious Right" and the Christian Nationalists of America. It should be constant in our minds, as we ponder the spiritual fantasies sweeping over America, that "As they reject the teachings of His word, God withdraws His Spirit and leaves them to the deceptions which they love." The surge in lies and deceptions tend to be associated with the arrival of Donald Trump on the scene; but the delusions were manifest long before he gained prominence. Most can be traced directly to Rome and, most devastating for faith in the divine inspiration of the Bible, "Higher Criticism."

By the time that Donald Trump barged onto the national scene, apostate Protestantism in America was already thoroughly beguiled and seduced by Rome. Trump was simply an end product, perhaps the end product as we are  soon to find out. There are signs of an intensification of delusions, much of them screaming "blasphemy":-

Evangelicals told Trump he was "chosen" by God. Now he says it himself

Religious right leaders say God anointed Trump as a "king." This week he actually declared himself the "chosen one"

Even for a bottomless pit of narcissism like Donald Trump, Wednesday was an exceptional day for self-aggrandizement. Early in the day, Trump tweeted quotes from one of his more sycophantic — and unhinged — followers, Wayne Allyn Root, calling Trump the "King of Israel" and "the second coming of God." Later that day, when speaking to reporters, Trump embraced the prophet identity again, calling himself "the Chosen One," in response to a question about trade dealings with China.

To be certain, Trump laced in just enough plausible deniability — that he might be joking, that these are just metaphors — to give his supporters grist when accusing liberals of being hysterical for being alarmed about all this. But the grim reality is that Trump is channeling — and in the first instance, directly quoting — the beliefs of evangelical conservatives, a powerful constituency that still holds enormous sway within the Republican Party. And those folks are telling Trump, regularly and in grandiose terms, that he is in fact the Chosen One and has been anointed by God to be the president at this point in time.

While Trump, who worships himself and only himself, probably hasn't given much thought to the deity now or at any other time, one thing is for sure: He loves this idea that he's been chosen by the almighty to be a great leader.

To be clear, white evangelical leaders don't actually compare Trump to Jesus or say he's the son of God or anything like that. But they do use language that compares him to Biblical figures they regard as anointed by God, and speak of him as a prophesied savior come to save America and turn it into the theocratic white-dominated nation-state of their dreams.

As journalist Katherine Stewart, who covers the religious right, explained in a New York Times article last December, the gist of the white evangelical view of Trump is "that he is a miracle sent straight from heaven to bring the nation back to the Lord" and "that resistance to Mr. Trump is tantamount to resistance to God."

Liberty University, run by Jerry Falwell Jr., even helped produce a documentary called "The Trump Prophecy," which was screened in roughly 1,000 theaters before the midterm election last year. In it, a firefighter named Mark Taylor claims he had a religious epiphany in 2011 — when Trump was pushing the racist conspiracy theory that Barack Obama had been born in Kenya — in which God told him that Trump would be elected president.

The word that tends to be commonly associated with Trump in evangelical circles is not "president," however. It is "king." Using numerology arguments, evangelical leaders like Lance Wallnau argue that the 45th president is a modern-day version of the King Cyrus described in Isaiah 45, a Persian emperor the Bible says was anointed by God to free the Jews.

Evangelicals also compare Trump to the biblical figure of King David, particularly when the uncomfortable issue of his frequent adulteries comes up.

"God called King David a man after God’s own heart even though he was an adulterer and a murderer," Falwell said in 2016, defending his choice to endorse Trump. "You have to choose the leader that would make the best king or president and not necessarily someone who would be a good pastor."

In the new Netflix documentary "The Family," which is based on a decade-plus of investigative work by journalist Jeff Sharlet, it's explained that a secretive group of conservative Christian power brokers — including Vice President Mike Pence and former Attorney General Jeff Sessions — preach this idea of the "wolf-king," a leader anointed by God to enact the Christian right agenda. The ruthlessness or immoral conduct of such a leader isn't seen to be at odds with the forgiving spirit of Jesus Christ. On the contrary, these evangelical leaders believe God wants their leaders to be ruthless, because that's what is effective.

As Peter Montgomery of Right Wing Watch has monitored, Christian right leaders speak endlessly of Trump as a chosen vessel for God's will, saying things like "God has picked him up" and that Trump is "literally splitting the kingdom of darkness right open" and that "the Lord has put His favor upon him."

Some Christian conservative leaders do try to spin a fable in which Trump is a sinner redeemed by Jesus who now walks the path of righteousness in his personal life. But smarter evangelical pastors understand that while their followers will swallow all sorts of nonsense, that's going too far. Instead, these "king" metaphors allow them to make a different argument: God chooses "imperfect" men to be "vessels" for his will because they have talents — in Trump's case, belligerence and bullying, interpreted as "strength" — that matter more than their sinful behavior.

This reading, perversely, allows evangelicals to interpret Trump's lechery and tendency to curse (they don't really see his racism or encouragement of violence as sinful) as more evidence that he has been chosen by God.

"Cyrus is the model for a nonbeliever appointed by God as a vessel for the purposes of the faithful," Stewart wrote.

Tara Isabella Burton, writing for Vox, explained it this way:

Instead of having to justify their views of Trump’s controversial past, including reports of sexual misconduct and adultery, the evangelical establishment can say Trump’s presidency was arranged by God, and thus legitimize their support for him.

Megachurch minister Jeremiah Johnson gave a sermon in 2015 laying out this argument. Trump "is like a bull in a china closet," Johnson said, but his chaotic nature gives him the power to "expose darkness and perversion in America like never before."

There's no way that Trump — who is always ready to hear that he's the greatest and most important and best and most beautiful person who ever lived — is unaware that Christian right leaders literally speak about him this way, as a vessel anointed by God to do his bidding on Earth. On the contrary, Trump allows these fools into the Oval Office so they can lay hands on him and pray as if they were meeting a great prophet. . .

The demonic brazenness of the Trumpists' blasphemy has been exhibited by their comparison of Trump's just indictments and prosecution for his crimes to the torture  of Jesus Christ during His trial and crucifixion:-

Trump arrest prompts Jesus comparisons: ‘Spiritual warfare’

For the most devoted Trump conspiracy theorists, there are no coincidences and timing is everything.

So when ex-President Donald Trump was arraigned Tuesday on charges that he falsified business records to obscure hush money payments in an effort to influence the 2016 election, some of his most ardent followers quickly noted the court appearance came during Christianity’s most sacred week, Holy Week, when many Christians commemorate Christ’s crucifixion and resurrection.

“Seems there was someone else who was tortured and crucified this week,” read one post on Gab, a platform popular with Trump supporters. A similar post on Telegram put Trump’s case in apocalyptic terms: “Good vs Evil. Biblical times. Divine timing.”

Comparisons likening Trump to Christ were among the top online narratives about the Republican former president and his criminal charges circulating in the last several days, according to an analysis of online and social media content conducted by Zignal Labs, a media intelligence firm, on behalf of The Associated Press.

Zignal’s analysis found tens of thousands of mentions calling Trump a martyr. The number more than doubled immediately after Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, R-Ga., linked the prosecution of Trump to the persecution of Christ during an interview.

The Trumpists' strong delusion embraces the belief that they  are establishing God's kingdom on earth. They are in for a rude awakening. Those who are alive at the Second Coming of Jesus are destined to suffer the same fate as "the lawless one" ( 2 Thess. 2:8-10.)

The delusions of Trumpism are wildly insane. The prophecy makes it clear that they must be the result of believing the lie. The ultimate manifestation of the lie, and its deadly consequences, is manifest in the ecumenical movement, which has squarely allied the Protestant churches, including the SDA Church, with the Church of Rome. It is the ultimate betrayal of Jesus Christ, and the Father Who gave his uniquely Begotten Son for the redemption of man, and in Jesus has received the redeemed into the Godhead. Most deadly is the delusive "recognition" of an institution that is pagan to its core as a Christian church, and by some the Christian Church. Note that the warnings against ecumenism are coming from representatives of denominations which, unlike the SDA Church, did not receive a special commission to preserve the Truth, pure and unadulterated:-

The Ecumenical Delusion

Throughout a history of nearly 2,000 years, Christendom has experienced various major schisms and spawned thousands of schismatic sects. Yet serious efforts are now underway to heal the divisions and bring the fragmented pieces back together. While this appears to be a noble, and even godly goal, few today realize that we are watching ancient Bible prophecies come alive—which will shock and surprise a misguided world!

Agenda for Unity

The modern drive to heal the divisions among the fragmented denominations of professing Christianity has been actively promoted by the Roman Catholic Church. In 1964, the Second Vatican Council (Vatican II) made the “restoration of unity among all Christians” and bringing Protestant denominations back to the Catholic fold a long-term goal for the Roman church. The Council changed a centuries-old practice by referring to baptized members of other churches as “separated brothers” instead of “heretics.” Also in 1964, the Roman Catholic Church and the Eastern Orthodox Church “canceled their mutual excommunications of one another” that began in 1054ad (Foreign Affairs, May-June 2013). Since then, several popes and patriarchs have met and prayed together in their efforts to promote unity. The Orthodox patriarch represents 250 million believers.

In the 1990s, leaders of the Lutheran Church signed a joint statement with the Roman Catholic Church on the topic of “justification”—a contentious topic that had been one of the key reasons behind the Protestant Reformation. Methodist leaders have since signed the joint statement. Around the same time, a number of prominent evangelical and Catholic leaders signed an agreement called “Evangelicals and Catholics Together” (ECT) to promote collaboration between the two groups. The World Council of Churches and prominent leaders like Dr. Billy Graham have promoted the move toward unity among the many denominations that call themselves Christian. In January of 2013, the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops and four Reformed Christian congregations signed an agreement recognizing each other’s baptisms. Roman Catholic pontiffs John Paul II and Benedict XVI have prayed together with several Archbishops of Canterbury for the unity of their churches.

During his 25-year pontificate, Pope John Paul II traveled to more than 100 countries to promote church unity. He also allowed former Episcopal priests and parishes to return to the Catholic fold while retaining their traditional forms of worship. Pope Benedict worked tirelessly “towards the reconstitution of the full and visible unity of all Christ’s followers” with his message of “Unity in multiplicity, and multiplicity in unity” (Foreign Affairs, May-June 2013). Pope Francis softened Protestant reactions to the papacy during his first address to the world from Rome by referring to himself only as the “Bishop of Rome.” Reaching out to charismatics (estimated to be some 500,000), Francis said “we are all brothers” and that old divisions that caused separation need to be put aside. His message was delivered to a charismatic gathering in the United States by Anglican Bishop Tony Palmer, who told the assembled group, “the protest is over” and “there is no more need for a Protestant Church… we are all Catholic.”

The great ecumenical deception

Let it be stated for the record— not a single doctrine within the Roman Catholic Church that brought about the Protestant Reformation in the 16th century has been rescinded. Indeed, many new doctrines and teachings have been promulgated by popes and councils throughout the years since the Reformation.

I believe the above statement completely as a Protestant in the 21st century.


Like Luther, we too must stand on Scripture alone, not on the traditions of man or the traditions of churches. As the great Protestant Confessions affirm, the Bible is the only source by which all doctrines and teachers are to be judged. Christians must return to the Word of God if they desire to be a part of “the one holy Christian and apostolic church.”

Many church leaders today would have us believe that doctrinal differences between Protestants, Roman Catholics and even non-Christian religions no longer exist. Surely this deception is helping to usher in the great harlot church prophesied in the Scriptures.

The ecumenical movement today calls upon everyone to lay aside doctrines and come together in Jesus. But under which Jesus are we to unite? Is it the Jesus Christ of the New Testament whose atonement covers all our sins, without any merit on our part? Or is it the Jesus whose atonement still requires our personal works and sufferings to achieve our salvation? Shall we all come together under the banner of the apostate church’s Jesus who denies sin, judgment and hell?

Those who espouse false doctrines and countenance the acceptance of sin within the church are instruments of Satan. We are instructed by God’s Word to turn away from them. Their dangerous and unbiblical teachings lead only to death. When is the last time you heard of people being born again after hearing perverted teachings? When is the last time you witnessed a genuine revival breaking out in a Bible-denying church? You never have, and you never will!


What will it take for a new reformation to begin in the 21st century? That is a question worth pondering. Even if everything required to bring about such a reformation were fully understood across the church, how many Christians have the courage and the will necessary to bring it about? Christians who think they can experience reformation and revival while supporting denominations that have embraced immorality and abandoned biblical doctrines are sadly mistaken.

The Scriptures are clear: “Come out from their midst and be separate, says the Lord…” (2 Cor. 6:17). “Now I urge you, brethren, keep your eye on those who cause dissensions and hindrances contrary to the teachings which you have learned, and turn away from them. For such men are slaves, not of our Lord Christ but of their own appetites; and by their smooth and flattering speech they deceive the hearts of the unsuspecting” (Romans 16:17-18).


Finally, the study paper A TIME OF BOUNDLESS DELUSIONS, first published a few years ago, elaborates on the modern forces and ancient Babylonian paganism which have brought us to the "strong delusion" of our times. Cf. Franklin Graham is the poster child for Christian nationalism — and he’s a liar, in the context of his father's role in the Delusions now sweeping over America.




(Delusional Plans for the Nation - Destructive of Religious and Civil Liberties)


Mike Johnson sees himself as ordained by God! The same is said by the Religious Right about Donald Trump, who has also set himself up as one chosen by God but manifests the very spirit of the devil. This reveals a most appalling corruption of the Christian Bible, and blasphemy against the God of Heaven - in particular the Third Commandment (Exodus 20:7.) This is also arrogance personified:

Mike Johnson, pedigreed evangelical, suggests his election as House speaker ordained by God

Johnson, who peppered his first speech as speaker with religious references, has a history of challenging interpretations of the separation of church and state.

After weeks of turmoil, House Republicans elected Rep. Mike Johnson on Wednesday (Oct.25) as the new speaker of the House, an act the Louisiana congressman suggested was ordained by God.

“I believe that Scripture, the Bible, is very clear: that God is the one who raises up those in authority,” Johnson said in his first speech after being elected speaker in a 220-209 vote. “He raised up each of you. All of us.” . . .

What Do You Hear When the New House Speaker Says He’s Been Ordained By God?

Newly elected House Speaker Mike Johnson doesn’t hide his religion or his belief in the primacy of his Christian beliefs. Quite the contrary. Here’s what he told Sean Hannity Thursday on Fox News: “Someone asked me today in the media, ‘People are curious, what does Mike Johnson think about any issue under the sun?’ I said, ‘Well, go pick up a Bible off your shelf and read it. That’s my worldview. That’s what I believe.’”

This came the day after he used his precious first remarks as speaker to tell the House and the country that he believes God has ordained him. “I believe that Scripture, the Bible, is very clear: that God is the one who raises up those in authority…I believe that God has ordained and allowed each one of us to be brought here for this specific moment in this time.’”

(He also introduced his “dedicated wife of 25 years” to the nation—and her absence at his acceptance speech—like this: “She's spent the last couple of weeks on her knees in prayer to the Lord. And, um, she's a little worn out.”)

In this speech, he highlighted British writer and Christian apologist G.K. Chesterton who, Johnson said, asserted that America is “the only nation in the world founded upon a creed,” which is “listed with almost theological lucidity in the Declaration of Independence.” That is, “we hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal”—“created,” Johnson emphasized, not born. He also noted that the motto, “In God We Trust,” added to the Capitol’s rotunda in 1962, was meant as a rebuke to the Soviet Union, Marxism and communism, “which begins with the premise that there is no God.”

Historian Kristin Kobes Du Mez, who studies evangelical Christianity and politics, told Politico this week, “Christian supremacy and a particular type of conservative Christianity is at the heart of Johnson’s understanding of the Constitution and an understanding of our government.”

Johnson calls himself a “bible-believing Christian.” He has been called a Christian nationalist, convinced of the centrality of his faith in the founding of America, which he believes is under attack. In the podcast he produces with his wife, Kelly, he said, “What we found was often the Christian viewpoint is not given equal treatment and equal platform and equal chance. Very often religious viewpoints, specifically Christian viewpoints, are censored and silenced.”

In his rejection of abortion and homosexuality in a 2006 article, Johnson criticized “the earnest advocates of atheism and sexual perversion,” adding, “This sprawling alliance of anti-God enthusiasts has proven frighteningly efficient at remaking America in their own brutal, dehumanizing image.”

Surely, then, when asked about the mass shooting in Maine, this would be a chance for him to speak out against the most sacred commandment—Thou shalt not kill—and use his new divinely ordained power to speak to the need to address the availability of weapons that make murder possible on a quick and massive scale. Right? Nope.

“The problem is the human heart,” he told Hannity. “It’s not guns. It’s not the weapons. At the end of the day we have to protect the right of the citizens to protect themselves and that’s the Second Amendment…This is not the time to talk about legislation.”

Mike Johnson is now second in line to the presidency. I worry that he puts his religion to the forefront of his efforts to remake government and America. This is a man who, benefiting from a courtly demeanor, rejects a clear separation of church and state.

Noteworthy is Johnson's reference to G. K. Chesterton's view of the American Declaration of Independence. Chesterton was a world famous author who became a dedicated Roman Catholic (Cf. G.K. Chesterton Became Catholic 100 Years Ago, Drawn in by Jerusalem and Our Lady.) Here is an indication of Roman Catholic influence on Johnson's personal and political beliefs. (There is more to come in this study paper.) (Cf. Evangelical Mike Johnson ‘Raised Up’ as House Speaker.)

Also noteworthy is what Johnson said about his wife: “She's spent the last couple of weeks on her knees in prayer to the Lord." Had she been praying for what should have seemed the unlikely event of his election to the House speakership? Had this been on his agenda, and if so for what purpose? He provided the answer to this question a little over six weeks later:

You’ll Never Guess Who Mike Johnson Compared Himself To

A hint: He’s a character in Johnson’s favorite book.

Mike Johnson compared himself to Moses and said that becoming House speaker was part of God’s plan.

Johnson was the keynote speaker at Tuesday evening’s National Association of Christian Lawmakers’ annual gala. The NACL is a Christian nationalist organization that says its goal is to codify a “biblical worldview” into law. Both its founder and Johnson are big fans of the “Appeal to Heaven” Christian nationalist flag.

During his speech, Johnson said that a few weeks before Kevin McCarthy was ousted from the speakership, God told him to “prepare and be ready.”

“We’re coming to a Red Sea moment. What does that mean, Lord?” Johnson said, referring to when God parted the Red Sea so Moses could lead the enslaved Jews out of Egypt.

“When the speaker’s race happened and Kevin McCarthy, who’s a dear friend of mine, was deposed and vacated from the chair, oh wow! Well, this is what the Lord may have been preparing us for.”

“At the time, I assumed the Lord is going to choose a new Moses, and thank you Lord, you’re going to allow me to be Aaron,” Johnson continued, referring to Moses’s brother.

But as the votes dragged on, Johnson said, God told him, “Now, step forward.”

While Aaron did help Moses, he also nearly caused the destruction of the Israelites. When Moses went up Mount Sinai to get the Ten Commandments, the people grew tired of waiting. They convinced Aaron to make a statue of a golden calf, and Aaron was going to become the new leader. So really, Johnson said he was prepared to lead a rebel group that worships a false idol.

Johnson repeatedly eschews the separation of church and state, instead flaunting his extremist Christian beliefs. And yet he is still allowed to stay in power, despite the risk his ideology poses to the country. (Underscored emphasis added.)

The following article was written with superb satirical humor which exposes the mad delusions of Johnson and his Christian Nationalist cohorts:

Mike Johnson Claims God Told Him a 'Red Sea Moment' Was Coming, Whatever That Means

If true, the Eternal has taken what I consider an unhealthy interest in the doings of the Republican majority.

There is absolutely nothing crazy about this. No, sir. Perfectly normal behavior for a leader in a secular democratic republic. Completely grounded in sanity, especially coming from the guy a couple of offices short of being the president of the United States. I feel confident in saying this. From Right Wing Watch:

Johnson began his remarks by claiming that weeks before he became House Speaker, God began preparing him to lead the nation through “a Red Sea moment.” Johnson said he didn’t know what that meant at the time, but assumed it meant that he was to serve as an Aaron to someone else’s Moses. But, it turned out, God intended for him to be that Moses. “The Lord impressed upon my heart a few weeks before this happened that something was going to occur,” Johnson said. “And the Lord very specifically told me in my prayers to prepare, but to wait.”

"I had this sense that we were going to come to a Red Sea moment in our Republican conference and in the county at large,” he continued. “[God] had been speaking to me about this, and the Lord told me very clearly to prepare and be ready.” Johnson said that once Rep. Kevin McCarthy was removed as Speaker of the House, God began to wake him up in the middle of the night “to speak to me, [telling me] to write things down; plans, procedures, and ideas on how we could pull the [Republican] conference together.”

“At the time, I assumed the Lord was going to choose a new Moses and thank you, Lord, you’re going to allow me to be Aaron to Moses,” Johnson declared. As one candidate after another stepped forward to run for Speaker but failed, Johnson said that “the Lord kept telling me to wait” but “then at the end, when it toward the end, the Lord said, ‘Now, step forward. Me? I’m supposed to be Aaron,” Johnson said. “No. The Lord said, ‘Step forward.'”

The Speaker of the House of Representatives believes he was in contact with the Eternal, who has taken what I consider an unhealthy interest in the doings of the Republican majority. I mean, what could the Almighty have against Kevin McCarthy? The Lord told Mike Johnson to be...Moses? Does that mean that the Republicans now will wander 40 years in the wilderness? (We can only hope.) Does that mean that, one day, Johnson will strike Matt Gaetz on the head and water will spring forth? What's manna going for in the House cafeteria these days?
I forget who said it, but there is a formulation that fits these circumstances perfectly. If you talk to God regularly, you're devout. If God talks back to you, you're delusional. But it was the author of the Gospel of Matthew who passed along Jesus' warning about this manner of sacred three-card monte:

Then if any man shall say unto you, Lo, here is Christ, or there; believe it not. For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect. Behold, I have told you before. Wherefore if they shall say unto you, Behold, he is in the desert; go not forth: behold, he is in the secret chambers; believe it not.

I'm going to go out on a limb and say that this also goes for Moses. Besides, Charlton Heston was better in the role anyway. (Underscored emphasis added)

Finally, the following report quotes a scathing analysis by Psychologist Mary Trump, of Johnson's fantasy:

Mike Johnson Slammed As 'Megalomaniac' for Comparing Himself to Moses

Speaker of the House Mike Johnson is receiving a fresh wave of backlash for his alleged ties to Christian nationalism after a video was shared online of the Republican leader comparing himself to biblical figure Moses.

Several critics have raised questions about Johnson's Christian faith since he was elected speaker in late October. The Louisiana lawmaker has been open about his religious beliefs throughout his political career, although some have claimed that his previous comments echo those in support of Christian nationalism or the view that the U.S. is solely a Christian nation and that its government should be focused on the religion's values.

On Tuesday, the speaker was invited to give a keynote speech at the National Association of Christian Lawmakers' (NACL) annual meeting and awards gala, which was attended by the organization's members and supporters across 33 states.

What Johnson Said

A segment of Johnson's speech has since circulated online, during which he compared his path to speakership as a "Red Sea moment."

"The Lord told me very clearly to prepare. 'You ready?' 'Be ready for what?'" Johnson told the crowd, according to a clip shared to X, formerly Twitter, by the project Right Wing Watch Wednesday afternoon. "'We're coming to a Red Sea moment.' 'What does that mean?'"

The Crossing of the Red Sea is a story in the book of Exodus about when Moses, a prophet recognized in both Christianity and Judaism, guided the Israelites out of Egypt on their way to the "Promised Land." When the Israelites reached the Red Sea, according to the story, Moses reached out his hand and parted the waters, allowing them to safely cross without being caught by the Egyptian army following closely behind.

Johnson said during his speech that the House speaker's race, which took three weeks, was the "Red Sea moment" that God told him to prepare for. He also said that he assumed "at the time" that God was going to "choose a new Moses" and that he would act as "Aaron," Moses' brother and a priest in the Old Testament.

"And so I work to get Steve Scalise elected speaker, that didn't happen," Johnson said. "And then Jim Jordan, who is like another big brother of mine. No, that didn't happen."

"Ultimately, 13 people ran for the vote," he said. "And the Lord had told me to wait, wait, wait. So I waited and waited and then, at the end, when it came to the end, the Lord said, 'Now, step forward.'"

What Critics Are Saying

Johnson's speech drew criticism online from figures like Mary Trump, the estranged niece of former President Donald Trump who is a frequent critic of conservative politicians.

"If Mike Johnson doesn't believe this, he's a manipulative cynic," Mary Trump wrote on X. "If he does, he's psychotic. Either way, he's a massive megalomaniac. If he wants to pretend he's Moses, he can start by removing himself to the desert for 40 years." . . .


Among the dangers for the immediate future posed by Speaker of the House Mike Johnson is a power play in the 2024 presidential election advance and probably secure absolute theocratic power for the Roman Catholic controlled Republican Party:

Who is Mike Johnson, the new Republican House speaker?

Louisiana congressman is solid part of party’s right wing and played role assisting Trump’s efforts to overturn 2020 election

The rightwing Louisiana congressman Mike Johnson won a floor vote to be speaker of the House on Wednesday, elevating him to a top position in US politics and capping an unlikely and sudden rise to power.

Johnson was elected to Congress in 2016 and has kept a relatively low profile since then, though he is socially conservative and a solid part of the Trumpist right wing of the party.

Johnson served on Donald Trump’s legal defense team during his first impeachment. He currently serves as vice-chair of the Republican conference, a position to which his party colleagues unanimously re-elected him last year, and as a deputy whip.

He played a key role in assisting Trump’s efforts to overturn the election, the New York Times reported last year. When Texas filed a lawsuit at the US supreme court asking the justices to set aside valid electoral votes from Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Arizona, he organized a friend-of-the-court brief in support and got 125 of his House Republican colleagues to sign on.

The central argument of the brief was that the authority of state legislatures to set federal election rules had been usurped because of emergency rule changes to voting during the pandemic.

Johnson’s arguments gave Republicans a way to continue to object to the election, and endorse the anti-democratic idea of throwing out valid votes, without endorsing Trump’s outlandish claims of fraud.

“It was a fig-leaf intellectual argument,” the congressman Peter Meijer, a Michigan Republican who voted to impeach Trump and then lost his House primary last year, told the New York Times.

Johnson circulated the brief in December 2020, saying Trump was “anxiously awaiting the final list” of members who would sign it, a comment that was perceived by some as a threat. “Are we the party of list-making now?” one Republican told CNN at the time. Johnson later told the New Yorker he regretted how the email was phrased.

Even though a lawyer for House Republicans told Johnson the brief was unconstitutional, he pushed ahead anyway. House Republicans booed a reporter on Tuesday evening who asked about Johnson’s efforts to overturn the election and he dismissed the question. . .

Johnson’s father was a firefighter in Shreveport who was badly injured in an accident when he was a boy. Johnson later said the moment was his religious epiphany. When he was in the legislature, he introduced several religious freedom bills and religious groups talked about him “in superhero terms”, according to . .

This report confirms the identity of Johnson as a man deeply committed to the destruction of American democracy with its promise of individual liberty, secular as well as religious, and buttressed by the fundamental principle of separation of Church and State. It also confirms the falsity of his claim to be a Bible Christian. This false professor of Christianity is either ignorant of, or is deliberately flouting, Jesus Christ's declaration before Pilate that His Kingdom is not of this world. Prior to this He had clearly established for the Christian world, that principle of separation of Church and State which is embedded in America's Constitution. Indeed this man and the Republican Party are poised to wreak havoc on the Constitution:

The new U.S. House speaker tried to help overturn the 2020 election, raising concerns about 2024

The new leader of one of the chambers of Congress that will certify the winner of next year’s presidential election helped spearhead the attempt to overturn the last one, raising alarms that Republicans could try to subvert the will of the voters if they remain in power despite safeguards enacted after the 2021 attack on the U.S. Capitol.

Mike Johnson, the Louisiana congressman who was elected speaker of the House of Representatives on Wednesday after a three-week standoff among Republicans, took the lead in filing a brief in a lawsuit that sought to overturn Joe Biden’s 2020 presidential election win. That claim, widely panned by legal scholars of all ideologies, was quickly thrown out by the U.S. Supreme Court.

After the 2020 election, Johnson also echoed some of the wilder conspiracy theories pushed by then-President Donald Trump to explain away his loss. Then Johnson voted against certifying Biden’s win even after the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol.

Johnson’s role three years ago is relevant now not only because the speaker is second in the line of presidential succession, after the vice president. The House Johnson now leads also will have to certify the winner of the 2024 presidential election.

“You don’t want people who falsely claim the last election was stolen to be in a position of deciding who won the next one,” said Rick Hasen, a law professor at the University of California, Los Angeles. On Wednesday, he flagged another worry about Johnson, who is a constitutional lawyer.

“Johnson is more dangerous because he wrapped up his attempt to subvert the election outcomes in lawyerly and technical language,” Hasen said.

Last year, Congress revamped the procedures for how a presidential win is certified, making it far harder to object in the way that Johnson and 146 other House Republicans did on Jan. 6, 2021. But there is a conservative school of thought that no legislation can control how Congress oversees the certification of a president’s win — all that counts is the Constitution’s broad granting of power to ratify the electoral college’s votes.

Mike Johnson’s Election Denial Should Raise Alarms for 2024

The U.S. House of Representatives is now under the gavel of a Republican Speaker who is not only a 2020 election denier but also largely formulated the strategy for overturning the presidential election results in Congress on January 6, 2021. Mike Johnson didn’t hang his hat on some made-up anecdote about electoral fraud, either; he agreed with Donald Trump’s broad-based argument that by making voting a bit easier during a pandemic, state election officials had “rigged” the contest; thus Congress should not legitimize the election, at least without additional ratification of the outcome by Republican-controlled state legislatures.

The father of these 2020 lies, Donald Trump, is, of course, very close to winning his third consecutive Republican presidential nomination, and he’s never even once suggested he regretted his claims and the violence they induced. Even in urging Republicans to take advantage of liberalized voting-by-mail procedures in 2024, he continues to call them totally illegitimate. And he’s got a new “rigged election” claim that he’s not about to abandon: that the federal criminal prosecutions he faces in multiple courts are themselves a form of “election interference” by his past and future opponent Joe Biden.

To the extent that growing majorities of rank-and-file Republicans believe Trump was robbed of victory in 2020, there’s an obvious mass base for future election denials. And barring a huge and undeniable Democratic landslide in 2024 (which really doesn’t appear to be on the table), there’s just as much incentive as existed in 2020 for Republicans to seek via lawsuit, political trickery, or perhaps even violence to take the prize that pluralities of Americans have stubbornly denied the GOP in all but one presidential election of the 21st century.

Reforms of the Electoral Count Act of 1887 enacted late last year took away one form of election coup that might otherwise be available to the GOP. And the more recent U.S. Supreme Court rejection of the “independent state legislatures” doctrine that was the foundation for Mike Johnson’s effort to overturn the results in Congress closes off another avenue for stealing the presidency. But as the Washington Post notes, there are still some sinister things an election-denying Speaker can do in conjunction with an election-denying presidential nominee:

Richard H. Pildes, a New York University law professor, said the speaker would have significant power to shape the rules if neither candidate wins an outright majority of electoral college votes — a possibility if a third-party candidate manages to win one or more states.

In that scenario, a “contingent election” would occur in the House, where each state’s delegation is given one vote.

A more alarming concern is whether Johnson would, assuming he’s still speaker after the next election, attempt to disrupt the proceedings in a more dramatic way — for instance, by preventing the session from happening altogether. Although the vice president presides over the occasion, it occurs in the House chamber — the domain of the speaker.

More fundamentally, though, the advent of Speaker Johnson represents another major blow to what’s left of the Republican wall of resistance to Trump’s authoritarian and anti-democratic impulses. One way or another, MAGA Republicans will find ways to deny any Democratic victory. And that’s particularly true of those like Johnson who really do seem to believe God Almighty is depending on the GOP’s success, and/or will smite America with hellfire if it gives power to the devilish Democrats.

(Cf. Is America ‘beyond redemption’ and due for God’s judgment? Speaker Mike Johnson thinks so.)

The underscoring in the online article are hyperlinks to external corroborative publications.

The irony is that America is indeed beyond redemption; but it is primarily because of the work of Theocrats who are hell-bent on destroying the religious liberty of all under the Constitution. They are defying the authority of Almighty God, Who has committed all judgment of sin to Jesus Christ. This includes the corruption of the sound doctrines of the Bible, as well as the perverted lusts of the flesh. As the Apostle Paul wrote to Timothy: For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; and they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables (2 Timothy 4:3-4 King James Version (KJV.)

This prophecy has and is being fulfilled by the churches favored by religionists like Mike Johnson.

The following article underscores the alarming reality that the legitimacy of the 2024 presidential election results may be in the hands of Johnson, if the Republicans hold the House of Representatives:

Mike Johnson sought to overturn 2020 election. As House speaker, he’ll oversee 2024 certification

Johnson’s term runs through at least early January 2025 — meaning he will preside over the House as it votes to accept the 2024 election results

After House Republicans unanimously voted for Rep. Mike Johnson, R-La., as the new speaker, Democratic politicians pounced on them for choosing someone who defied democratic norms after the 2020 presidential election.

Johnson aligned himself with Donald Trump and congressional Republicans who sought to overturn legitimate results ahead of the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol.

Johnson’s efforts went beyond tweets and votes, the Democrats said after the Oct. 25 speaker vote.

The Biden-Harris campaign called Johnson “a leading 2020 election denier.” U.S. Rep. Maxwell Frost, D-Fla., called Johnson “the chief architect” of the effort to overturn election results.

Calling Johnson the “chief architect” may be a stretch. Johnson was not among those charged in the federal or Fulton County, Georgia, election subversion cases, and he barely got a mention in the final Jan. 6 committee report. Johnson, a lawyer for decades, was not the public face of Trump’s battle in the courts and in public, unlike lawyers Rudy Giuliani and Sidney Powell.

However, Johnson played a key role in the effort to get lawmakers to sign onto trying to overturn the election in the courts and to vote against congressional certification.

Johnson’s term as speaker runs through at least early January 2025 — meaning he will preside over the House as it votes to formally accept the results of the 2024 election.


There is wide recognition that Johnson is committed to Christian Nationalism. In the clash between supporters of democracy and religious liberty, free from dictatorial coercion, and those who seek absolute power to coerce every individual, the "culture wars" have been a valuable weapon to break down resistance to their agenda.

With its deep involvement in the culture wars, the movement inevitably advocates against "LGBTQ" rights. Logically, true Christians can be expected to be sensitive on this topic, especially since there are now in the "Christian" world widespread efforts to prove that the Bible does not condemn homosexuality. The reality is that the Holy Scriptures are abundantly explicit in condemnation of homosexuality and moral licentiousness.

So, why are the Christian Nationalists and those of like persuasion wrong in their campaign against "LGBTQ" rights. It is because their purpose is to establish God's kingdom on earth, and by force if necessary, in defiance of Jesus Christ's Word that His kingdom is not of this world (John 18:36.) Moreover, His statement to Pilate also defines where His followers are to be found:

What does it means that Christians are not of this world?

When Pilate asked Jesus if He was a king, Pilate was thinking of a political position and that Jesus was possibly guilty of sedition against Caesar. In saying that His kingdom is “not of this world,” Jesus denied that He was a king in that sense—and His words were proved by the lack of any subjects fighting to release Him (John 18:36).

But Jesus does not deny His kingship wholly; He has a kingdom, but it is “from another place” (John 18:36). He says He had “come into the world” (John 18:37), with the clear implication that He was from some place other than this world (cf. John 3:3). His kingdom is heavenly and extends over the hearts and minds of His subjects. It does not originate in this world: “His royal power and state are not furnished by earthly force, or fleshly ordinances, or physical energies, or material wealth, or imperial armies” (The Pulpit Commentary, Vol. 17, Hendrickson Pub., 1985).

As His followers, Christians are members of His kingdom, which is “not of this world.” We know that “our citizenship is in heaven” (Philippians 3:20). As a result, we “put aside the deeds of darkness and put on the armor of light” (Romans 13:12). We wage spiritual battle, but “the weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world” (2 Corinthians 10:4). We “seek first his kingdom and his righteousness” (Matthew 6:33). And we rest in the knowledge that our King gives us eternal life: “The world and its desires pass away, but whoever does the will of God lives forever” (1 John 2:17).

We are on earth for now, but our earthly lives are nothing but a vapor in comparison to eternity (James 4:14). “This world in its present form is passing away” (1 Corinthians 7:31). The sufferings and trials of this world are part of life. But, in remembering that we are “not of this world,” we know that such things are just for a little while (1 Peter 5:10). The knowledge that we are not of this world gives Christians hope even in the darkest times (1 Peter 1:6 –9). This broken place is not where we ultimately belong, and it is not where we will stay (Hebrews 13:14). “We are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken” (Hebrews 12:28).

Christians, as part of Jesus’ kingdom, are not of this world. We have been adopted as heirs of heaven by God Himself, and that is where our citizenship is (Titus 3:7). Until our King returns, we wait (Titus 2:13), and we hope (Romans 5:5), and we do what we can to bring others into the “not of this world” relationship with Jesus Christ. (Underscored emphasis added.)

Not only is a Kingdom of God in this world a gross violation of the Christian faith. It purposes to destroy the American constitution which promises the separation of Church and State. The Religious Right once concealed this purpose; but now openly advocate the union of Church and State. Christian Nationalism seizes on the sensitivity of "LGBTQ" rights to mask the reality that the basic issue is the constitutional guarantee of Separation of Church and State in the Civil Law of America:

Mike Johnson's Ties to Christian Nationalism Revealed

Newly elected U.S. Speaker of the House Mike Johnson on October 25, 2023, in Washington, D.C. Johnson's apparent advocacy of Christian nationalism has sparked concern after he was elected Speaker.

In an opinion piece for MSNBC, columnist Sarah Posner described Johnson as the "most unabashedly Christian nationalist Speaker" in history while noting the Republican previously worked as an attorney for the [Alliance Defending Freedom, formerly Alliance Defense Fund or ADF], a Christian advocacy group Posner described as having ambitions to "eviscerate the separation of church and state." . . .

In another post sharing a Politico article describing Johnson as the "social conservative's social conservative," Seidel wrote: "'Social conservative' is a self-destructive euphemism. There are more accurate terms like 'Christian Nationalist,' 'extremist,' 'anti-democracy election denier,' and 'authoritarian.'

Elsewhere, videos have emerged online which show Johnson appearing to dismiss that there needs to be a separation of church and state in the U.S.

In a 2016 interview, Johnson said: "What's happened over the last 60, 70 years is that our generation has been convinced that there's a separation of church and state, we hear that term all the time, and most people think that that's part of the constitution, but it's not."

In the same interview, Johnson said: "We don't live in a democracy because democracy is two wolves and a lamb deciding what's for dinner."

"It's not just majority rule," he said. "It's a constitutional republic. And the founders set that up because they followed the biblical admonition on what a civil society is supposed to look like."

Speaking on a 2022 podcast, Johnson suggested his own interpretation of what the need to separate the church and state entails.

"The founders wanted to protect the church from an encroaching state, not the other way around," Johnson said.

Democrats also look set to use Johnson's anti-abortion views as a wedge issue against the GOP in future elections now he has been elected Speaker.

"Mike Johnson is currently the cosponsor of at least three bills that would ban abortion nationwide," the campaign team for President Joe Biden posted on X on Wednesday morning ahead of the House Speaker vote.

"The founders wanted to protect the church from an encroaching state, not the other way around," Johnson said. . .

Speaking during his first run for congress in 2016, Johnson told the Louisiana Baptist Message: "I am a Christian, a husband, a father, a life-long conservative, constitutional law attorney and a small business owner in that order. And I think that order is important."

Johnson said it was his faith that pushed him to run for office.

"Some people are called to pastoral ministry and others to music ministry, etc. I was called to legal ministry and I've been out on the front lines of the 'culture war' defending religious freedom, the sanctity of human life, and biblical values, including the defense of traditional marriage, and other ideals like these when they've been under assault," Johnson said.

Mike Johnson’s Christian nationalist track record isn’t a mystery — it’s a tragedy

No group has been more supportive of Donald Trump — and more likely to believe that the 2020 election was stolen — than Christian nationalists, who believe God wants the U.S. to be a promised land for their religion. Their champion may no longer be president, but, in Johnson, they now have a true believer second in line to the presidency. An enthusiastic backer of bogus legal theories seeking to overturn the 2020 presidential election, the 51-year-old Johnson was first elected to the House in 2016. Before then, he cut his teeth trying to erode the separation of church and state and abortion and LGBTQ rights as a lawyer for the Alliance Defense Fund – the Christian right legal powerhouse now known as the Alliance Defending Freedom. . .

In her nominating speech for Johnson, Rep. Elise Stefanik, R-N.Y., invoked the biblical story of God commanding Samuel to anoint David king. Stefanik quoted from 1 Samuel 16:7, according to which God told Samuel that he looked not at appearances, but “at the heart.” Johnson, who Stefanik said “epitomizes what it means to be a servant leader,” was the choice, she implied, of Republicans who were following God’s direction in choosing him. Between the Bible talk and Johnson’s record, Republicans have made abundantly clear that they have emerged from the uncertainty and chaos of the last few weeks with one clear mission: to run a Christian nationalist House.


The USA Is Neither a Theocracy Nor a ‘Christian’ Nation

We Are Not a 'Biblical Republic' as Speaker Johnson Wants Us to Think

The USA is certainly not a “Christian nation,” although it’s a great country filled with many sincere Christian believers.

Speaker Mike Johnson, the former president DJT, and many Republican Representatives do believe the contrary: that we are indeed a core Christian nation. Speaker Johnson delivered his opinion November 14 on CNBC’s Squawk Box, stressing that “The separation of church and state is a misnomer … People misunderstand it. Of course, it comes from a phrase that was in a letter that Jefferson wrote. It’s not in the Constitution.”

The First Amendment clearly states, “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.” Johnson tries to deflect from this absolutely clear statement by criticizing an 1802 letter of President Jefferson. (Jefferson’s letter said the First Amendment builds “a wall of separation between Church & State” — as it does.) Styling himself as a Republican originalist, Speaker Johnson then needs to follow the First Amendment literally and not interpret the third President’s private letter for his own theocratic reasonings.

Some Christians in our country would like to change the Constitution’s commitment to the separation of Church and State. I have Christian friends who assert that the Constitution (1789-1791) created a “Christian nation” — what scholars would call a theocracy, such as Iran, India, and Israel have today. These “good” folk simply won’t accept that our revolutionary American government specifically rejected any state religion or overt religious principles in its three branches of government.

Theocracy would be in direct opposition to bedrock values of our Founding Fathers.

In addition to the First Amendment, we read Founding Father James Madison in The Federalist Papers (Number 52) strongly supporting the prohibition against any religious test for office. Madison wrote that “the door of government is open to merit of every description, without regard to any particular profession of religious faith.”

Furthermore, most of our Founding Fathers cherished their own private religious practice, whether Deist Christian, Christian, some other faith, or no faith. Speaker Johnson coyly points out this “wall of separation” was intended to protect the private practice of religion: Yes, this is true, but of all religions not simply Christianity. The Founders did believe that personal religious practice was more sincere and spiritual when religion never soiled itself in governing.

Our Founding Fathers carefully chose not to use the terms Christian or Jesus or New Testament in the Constitution when they easily could have. Prominent Christian theologian Reinhold Niebuhr, who died in 1971, carefully wrote that “We establish no religion in this country. We command no worship. We mandate no belief, nor will we ever. Church and state are and must remain separate.” A “theocratic state” by definition has no wall between organized religion and government.

Emphatically no, then, we are not a “Biblical Republic” as Speaker Johnson and others want us to think. Praying on your knees in the House of Representatives also doesn’t make us a Christian nation, Mr. Johnson.

Our wise Founding Fathers honestly believed that the private practices of whatever (religious) faith one has are the most free and salutary method of worship. It follows then that whenever power and money come into Religion, genuine spiritual practice and deep religious spirit dissipate.

Keep religious belief truly free and pure, Mr. Johnson, by keeping “god” out of government but close to individual hearts.

We sustain a healthy democracy by not letting organized religion into government. Bringing in a theocracy, as some GOP leaders seek to do today with their “Biblical Republic”’” talk, is a recipe for disaster. Look at Iran, look at the extreme rightwing theocratic leadership of Israel, look at theocratic Hamas — how are their religion-infused theocratic politics helping their peoples? (Underscored emphasis added; italics in the original)

Here’s Why Mike Johnson Is More Dangerous Than Donald Trump


The former president only cares about himself. The new Speaker of the House actually wants to make America a Christian theocracy.

The most dangerous movement in American politics today is not Trumpism. It is Christofascism. With the election of Rep. Mike Johnson (R-LA) as Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives, the organized effort to impose the extreme religious views of a minority of Americans on the entire country, at the expense of many of our most basic freedoms, took a disturbing step forward.

Despite Speaker Johnson’s claims of being a constitutional “originalist,” via his elevation by a unanimous vote of his Republican colleagues he has moved America closer to having precisely the kind of government America’s founders most feared.

Thomas Jefferson said he viewed with “solemn reverence that act of the whole of the American people” which established “a wall of separation between church and state.” George Washington approved a treaty that explicitly stated, “The government of the United States is not in any sense founded on the Christian religion.” The very First Amendment in America’s Bill of Rights states “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion.” The principal author of the Constitution, James Madison, in his treatise, “Memorial and Remonstrance Against Religious Assessments,” described 15 reasons why the U.S. government must avoid backing any religion.

There is a reason the word “God” does not appear a single time in the Constitution. The founders were breaking with an England and Europe that were still in the thrall of the idea that rulers derived their powers from heaven above, “the divine right of kings.” But in the Constitution it explicitly states their view that the powers of government are derived “from the consent of the governed.”

Jefferson—like Washington, Franklin, Madison, and Monroe—was a practitioner of deism, a view founded in the idea that the Supreme Being created the universe and then essentially took a step back, leaving natural laws to operate on their own. They believed religion should be a matter that was entirely between individuals and their God, and that it should play no role in governance. . .

...Madison said that “religion and government will both exist in greater purity the less they are mixed together” and saw the separation of the two as essential to avoiding “the ceaseless strife that has soaked the soil of Europe with blood for centuries”—a sentiment that clearly resonates with our own times. Washington celebrated that the U.S. had at last created a form of government “that gives to bigotry no sanction.” Benjamin Franklin wrote at length about the pernicious nature of religious tests in government documents.

The Speaker of the House has radically different views. He represents a movement that is actively seeking to institutionalize the religious beliefs of evangelical Christians into law.

In fact, even as we see with chilling clarity how those with a similar motive have sought to infuse the law with their religious beliefs on the Supreme Court and in state capitals across the country, Johnson may be the most extreme example of a dangerously empowered religious fanatic in our recent history—and yes, I remember that Mike Pence was, not so long ago, the Vice President of the United States.

The term Christofascism may seem inflammatory. It is not. It is intended to provide the most accurate possible definition of what Johnson and those in his movement wish to achieve. Like other fascists they seek to impose by whatever means necessary their views on the whole of society even if that means undoing established laws and eliminating accepted freedoms. Christofascists do so in the name of advancing their Christian ideology, asserting that all in society must be guided by their views and values whether they adhere to them or not. (Underscored emphasis added)

This article documents astoundingly blasphemous and sacrilegious statements of founders such as Thomas Jefferson and Thomas Paine, which have been excluded from the above quotation; although they are the strongest evidence against the religio-political propagandists. Nevertheless, those statements which are included in the quotation are not open to misinterpretation. They are very clear and unambiguous. The United States was not founded as a Christian nation.

No Wonder Donald Trump Loves Mike Johnson

There were so many chilling moments on Wednesday around the ascension—or, as he himself phrased it, the “raising up” by God—of Rep. Mike Johnson to speaker of the House of Representatives. There was his claim that “I don’t believe there are any coincidences in a matter like this. I believe that Scripture, the Bible, is very clear that God is the one that raises up those in authority.” There was his weird and inscrutable explanation that his wife was not present in the chamber because she was “worn out” from the many weeks she had just spent on her knees in prayer to the Lord. There was his now-infamous taped insistence that the United States is “not a democracy,” having defined democracy as “two wolves and a lamb deciding what is for dinner.” Rather, Johnson insisted, we are a “constitutional republic” set up by the founders based on a “biblical admonition.”

“The founders wanted to protect the church from an encroaching state, not the other way around,” Johnson had said, during a September 2022 episode of his conservative Christian podcast, echoing the fabrications of debunked faux-historian David Barton and other religious zealots who have only ever read the parts of the First Amendment, and constitutional history, with which they agree. None of this is historically accurate or even remotely factually true, as David Rothkopf points out here [See The USA Is Neither a Theocracy Nor a ‘Christian’ Nation above.] But for those like Johnson and his former confederates at the Alliance Defending Freedom, where he worked before being elected to Congress, claims that there are broad Christian roots for the founding documents, and distortions of the intentions of the Framers are central to the legal and constitutional push for sectarian theocratic ends. Ultimately, if you believe and disseminate one “big lie,” why not believe and press them all? . . .(Underscored emphasis added.)

Now, let us consider the most important driver of the culture wars. It is a notorious fact that the Roman Catholic Church is the most prominent opponent of abortion. The history spans centuries of Roman Catholic dogma; but only in the recent history of right-wing Protestant Evangelicals. Mike Johnson has been thoroughly indoctrinated by the alliance of Roman Catholics and right-wing apostate Evangelicals:


“You’re going to have a division in the country, you’re literally going to have pro-life and pro-death states,” Johnson told a group of GOP activists.

IN A CLOSED-DOOR meeting with a group of activists in Washington, D.C., on Tuesday, Rep. Mike Johnson, R-La., expressed his confidence that Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett would help Republicans make good on their long-sought effort to overturn Roe v. Wade.

Johnson’s remarks, which were recorded by advocacy journalist Lauren Windsor of The Undercurrent were part of a daylong conference presented by Patriot Voices. Other Republican speakers that day included Reps. Andy Biggs, R-Ariz.; Gary Palmer, R-Ala.; and Jim Banks, R-Ind.

Johnson has long stumped for Barrett, whom he’s known for 30 years, having voiced his support for her nomination to the Supreme Court in 2020. “I’ve known Amy Coney Barrett since high school. We go way, way back,” Johnson told the attendees. “And I was one of the guys pushing Trump really, really hard to put her on the court.”

Barrett’s confirmation to the Supreme Court in October 2020 solidified conservatives’ majority on the nation’s highest court. She believes in an originalist interpretation of the Constitution, much in the image of late Justice Antonin Scalia.

“If you look at [Roe] from the originalist perspective, which all of [the conservative Justices] are now espousing, you know, it’s indefensible,” said Johnson, who since 2016 has served as vice chair of the House Republican Conference, the GOP caucus responsible for communicating the party’s message to members of the House. “And it goes back to the states, and then we have the real battle, because states like Louisiana, we have it in our state constitution that if the decision returns to the states, we’re a 100 percent pro-life state.” . . . (Underscored emphasis added.)

The "pro-life" movement should have set alarm bells ringing for Seventh-day Adventists. The reasons for Rome's activism are not biblical, but based on multiple theological dogmas, against one of which in particular Ellen G. White specifically warned, in conjunction with the enforcement of the false Sabbath:


And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul. Gen. 2:7. . .

Through the two great errors, the immortality of the soul, and Sunday sacredness, Satan will bring the people under his deceptions. While the former lays the foundation of Spiritualism, the latter creates a bond of sympathy with Rome. The Protestants of the United States will be foremost in stretching their hands across the gulf to grasp the hand of Spiritualism; they will reach over the abyss to clasp hands with the Roman power; and under the influence of this threefold union, this country will follow in the steps of Rome in trampling on the rights of conscience. {GC88 588.1}(Bold emphasis added.)

The doctrine of the natural immortality of the soul is one error with which the enemy is deceiving man. This error is well-nigh universal. But who told men that they would not die? Who told them that God has reserved a portion of his universe where the wicked are to suffer through the ceaseless ages of eternity, without a particle of hope?—It was the serpent. God said that sinners would die. Satan declares that they will not die. Many believe the oft-repeated lies of the serpent to be genuine truth. They echo his words when they assert that God has ordained that sin shall be immortalized in a place of torment. {RH March 16, 1897, par. 3}

This is one of the lies forged in the synagogue of the enemy, one of the poisonous drafts of Babylon. “All nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication, and the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her, and the merchants of the earth are waxed rich through the abundance of her delicacies. And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.” {RH March 16, 1897, par. 4}

The fallen denominational churches are Babylon. Babylon has been fostering poisonous doctrines, the wine of error. This wine of error is made up of false doctrines, such as the natural immortality of the soul, the eternal torment of the wicked, the denial of the pre-existence of Christ prior to His birth in Bethlehem, and advocating and exalting the first day of the week above God’s holy and sanctified day.—Testimonies to Ministers and Gospel Workers, 61. {1NL 52.2} 

THE ROOT OF THE ABORTION CONTROVERSY is recommended as a full exposition of the topic. The above quotations are confined to the fact that Ellen G. White has alerted us that the immortality of the soul ranks equally with the Sabbath in testing our loyalty to God. It is that serious.

This website has published copious documentation of the clearest evidence that Rome's strident promotion of the so-called pro-life movement is based on the dogma of the immortality of the soul. Thus, Ellen G. White's warning applies. Strangely, the leadership of the Seventh-day Adventist Church has not perceived the application in their recent decision to join the movement.

It can be stated categorically that the anti-abortion crusade is also a blatant violation of the Constitution's Separation of Church and State, which has always been anathema to the Church of Rome.

The evidence shows that Mike Johnson's convictions derive not only from his place in the Christian Nationalist camp; but also from friendship with the most recent doctrinaire Roman Catholic appointee to the US Supreme Court:

Johnson Applauds Senate Confirmation of Amy Coney Barrett to the U.S. Supreme Court

BOSSIER, La. – U.S. Representative Mike Johnson (LA-04) today released the following statement after the U.S. Senate voted to confirm Amy Coney Barrett to fill the vacancy in the U.S. Supreme Court:

“What a joy it is to now be able to refer to my dear friend as ‘Justice Amy Coney Barrett’. As everyone now knows, she has all the qualities that America needs and deserves in a Supreme Court justice. She will serve with honor and distinction, and she will build an extraordinary legacy. As I reminded her in a text this weekend, while God has used her to uplift and inspire an entire nation-- no one is more proud of her than the good people of her home state." (Underscored emphasis added.)

Amy Coney Barrett’s Long Game

The newest Supreme Court Justice isn’t just another conservative—she’s the product of a Christian legal movement that is intent on remaking America.

In 2006, Barrett signed her name to an ad declaring that it was “time to put an end to the barbaric legacy of Roe v. Wade.”

On December 1st, the Supreme Court had its day of oral argument in a landmark abortion case, Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, brought by the State of Mississippi. It was the first case that the Court had taken in thirty years in which the petitioners were explicitly asking the Justices to overturn Roe v. Wade, the 1973 decision legalizing abortion, and its successor, Planned Parenthood v. Casey, which affirmed that decision in 1992. If anyone needed a reminder that, whatever the Justices decide in Dobbs, it will not reconcile the American divide over abortion, the chaotic scene outside the Court made it clear. . .

The day was sunny and mild, and though some of these demonstrators offered the usual angry admonishments—“God is going to punish you, murderer!” a man with a megaphone declaimed—most members of the anti-abortion contingent seemed buoyant. Busloads of students from Liberty University, an evangelical college in Lynchburg, Virginia, snapped selfies in their matching red-white-and-blue jackets. Penny Nance, the head of the conservative group Concerned Women for America, exclaimed, “This is our moment! This is why we’ve marched all these years!”

A major reason for Nance’s optimism was the presence on the bench of Amy Coney Barrett, the former Notre Dame law professor and federal-court judge whom President Donald Trump had picked to replace Ruth Bader Ginsburg, who died on September 18, 2020. With the help of Mitch McConnell, the Senate Majority Leader, Trump had accelerated Barrett’s nomination process, and the Senate confirmed her just a week before the 2020 Presidential election. As a candidate in the 2016 election, Trump had vowed to appoint Justices who would overturn Roe, and as President he had made it a priority to stock the judiciary with conservative judges—especially younger ones. . .

Trump made three Supreme Court appointments, and Neil Gorsuch (forty-nine when confirmed) and Brett Kavanaugh (fifty-three) were the youngest of the nine Justices until Barrett was sworn in, at the age of forty-eight. Her arrival gave the conservative wing of the Court a 6–3 supermajority—an imbalance that won’t be altered by the recent news that one of the three liberal Justices, Stephen Breyer, is retiring.

Barrett has a hard-to-rattle temperament. A fitness enthusiast seemingly blessed with superhuman energy, she is rearing seven children with her husband, Jesse Barrett, a former prosecutor now in private practice. At her confirmation hearings, she dressed with self-assurance—a fitted magenta dress; a ladylike skirted suit in unexpected shades of purple—and projected an air of decorous, almost serene diligence. Despite her pro-forma circumspection, her answers on issues from guns to climate change left little doubt that she would feel at home on a Court that is more conservative than it’s been in decades. Yet she also represented a major shift. Daniel Bennett, a professor at John Brown University, a Christian college in Arkansas, who studies the intersection of faith and politics, told me that Barrett is “more embedded in the conservative Christian legal movement than any Justice we’ve ever had.” Outside the Court, Nance emphasized this kinship, referring to Barrett as “Sister Amy, on the inside.” . . .(Underscored emphasis added)

This article continues with a very lengthy and comprehensive examination of Amy Barrett's life and career in harmony with its title. Though appropriate in the context, the narrative is not necessary to establish the connection between Barrett and Mike Johnson in this paper. This is central, and advances corroboration of the influence of Rome in shaping his religio-political views.

The Bible proves conclusively that the Church of Rome is Satan's representative body in this world. Revelation 13 depicts the first of two beasts as that representative body. The second beast is clearly identifiable as America, which was established as a majority Protestant nation of a Calvinist persuasion. The Calvinist persuasion is significant in the context of America also being indentified as the False Prophet. In fact parallel histories confirm the identification.

Revelation 13 predicts a merger of interests between the papacy and America as the False Prophet. The latter deceives the nation into setting up an Image to the beast for the worship of Rome by the whole world, except God's Remnant who are not deceived:

EXEGESIS OF REVELATION - The Beast and the False Prophet (Part 2)

In the Twelfth Chapter of Revelation, John heard a "Woe" pronounced on "the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea." In the Thirteenth Chapter, two "beasts" are seen, one rising "up out of the sea," and the other "coming up out of the earth." (vs. 1, 11) These two beasts are related in the text to the dragon. One receives "his power, and his seat, and great authority" directly from the dragon (v. 2). The other, "spake as a dragon" and exercised "all the authority of the first beast," which authority had been given it by the dragon. (vs. 11-12). . .

The second beast came "up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon." (13:11) Two things of importance need to be noted. The prophetic symbolism does not connect this beast with the other beasts - there is no common denominator, the multiple heads or horns which mark the other beast symbols are missing. Only two horns are noted. No prophetic or literal time factors are associated with this second beast. He doesn't speak as "the dragon," but simply "as a dragon."" His two horns are like the horns of a lamb." The symbolism combines the two representations which in Chapter 12 are pictured as in deadly conflict, the dragon and the Lamb.

This beast "exerciseth all the power (authority - exousia) of the first beast." . . .

In determining the identity of this "beast power," we have given it two identifications, the United States and Apostate Protestantism. In the transitional verses from the first beast to the second, is found the dictum - "He that leadeth into captivity shall go into captivity." This is interpreted as having been fulfilled in taking the Pope captive, and by declaring the government of the Papacy at an end in 1798, thus concluding the 1260 prophetic days. It was at this time, as the Papacy ceased its domination over "the kings of the earth," that the United States came into existence as a nation - "coming up out of the earth." However, to so interpret, excludes the identification as Protestantism, because Protestantism arose in the area prophetically identified as "the sea," and over two hundreds years before the downfall of the Pope. We can respond that it is Apostate Protestantism that is being identified since the symbol is termed, "the false prophet." If this be so, then one must ask, "When did Protestantism become apostate?" To this, we have responded that this state resulted from the rejection of the First Angel's Message. And textually the First Angel's Message is placed in the setting of this prophetic revelation to John, with the Second Angel proclaiming the fall of Babylon, of which the "false prophet" is one part. (Rev. 16:13, 19)

In recognizing this "beast" as a religious power we must also recognize two other factors of prophecy. 1) As noted above, the prophetic emphasis in Revelation 13 is on the activities of the "false prophet" after the "deadly wound was healed." This extends the time element for the main thrust of "apostate" Protestantism well over 100 years from the above date (1844) set for its inception. 2) This religious force causes the "image" to be formed. (13:14) The "image" to the first beast would be religio-political even as the Papacy was and is. It must also be understood, that this "religious" power says to those "that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the beast." This clearly indicates that the political power through which the "image" will be formed is democratic, the electorate is asked to grant the authority. But the "life" of this image is given to it by the "false prophet." (13:15)

Penalties for failure to come into line are twofold: 1) The "false prophet" initiates economic sanctions (13:16-17). 2) The created "image" of the union of church and state - issues the death decree (13:15). . . (Underscored emphasis added.)

The foregoing is from a Bible study of Elder Wm. H. Grotheer. The following is from one of the study papers published by this website:


The Beast and the False Prophet are clearly defined in the Bible. The historical record in The Battle of the Great Day of God Almighty It is Pending! cited earlier in this paper describes how the False Prophet evolved from a fundamentalist apostate American Protestantism into the contemporary Religious Right coalition. The Image to the Beast is another identity, defined as to its tyrannical actions; but not as to its composition. It is not the False Prophet, which power gives it life. It then acts, obviously prompted by the Dragon, the Beast, and the False Prophet (Rev. 13:.15-17.) From the course of history and current events it is reasonable to assume that the Image to the Beast comprises the "ecumenism of hate." Created by a powerful voting bloc as forecast by Paul Weyrich, the authority of the Image is embedded in the voting population of America.

As prominent leaders, the personal identities of Amy Coney Barrett and Mike Johnson have prophetic significance. As a Roman Catholic she is identified with the first beast, and empowered as one of the six right-wing Catholics controlling America's Supreme Court. As a dedicated Christian Nationalist committed to transforming America into a theocracy he is now third in line to the presidency. Whether or not the final push into theocracy will see either or both of them in a  prominent role, the reality is that for some reason the array of religio-political organizations pursuing this objective have set their sights on the years 2024-2025. One of them is the Heritage Foundation:

Tell Republican presidential candidates Reject the Christian-nationalist "Project 2025"

Religious-right activists and donors are already planning the details of a potential Trump or DeSantis White House.

Unbelievably, even after January 6 and a spate of destructive Supreme Court decisions, they still don't think Trump's first term did enough to dismantle democracy or enact a Christian-nationalist theocracy.

So a coalition of far-right groups called Project 2025 -- led by the Heritage Foundation -- has published a detailed government playbook for a potential future Republican president to start expanding authoritarian power on day one.

The 1,000-page Christian-nationalist manual contains step-by-step instructions for a new administration to take revenge on political opponents, destroy the independence of federal agencies, eliminate the Department of Education, overturn the New Deal, and institute a so-called "biblically based" government to discriminate against LGBTQ people, women, non-Christians, and people of color.

Project 2025 would require that the government adopt an anti-LGBTQ, "biblically based definition of marriage and family." Its plan would exempt churches -- not all religious institutions, but specifically churches -- from public health requirements. Perhaps the most frightening part is a directive to convert thousands of civil servants into political appointees, leaving government employees with no legal protections if they don't toe the Christian-nationalist line.

For all its talk of Biblical values, Project 2025 couldn't be farther from Jesus' teachings of love, equality, and peace. Let's make it clear that a nationwide movement of Christians rejects this theocratic, Christian-nationalist blueprint -- and that we expect presidential candidates to join us.

This anti-theocracy organization includes Roman Catholics. To the reader who is surprised, "Americanism" is another topic that does not fall within the scope of this study paper. However, here is a link to the subject.

Watchfulness will probably reveal how much nearer to the end 2025 will bring us, while we also follow events in Palestine for the fulfillment of Dan. 11:45.


And the beast was taken, and with him the false prophet that wrought miracles before him, with which he deceived them that had received the mark of the beast, and them that worshipped his image. These both were cast alive into a lake of fire burning with brimstone (Rev. 19:20 (KJV))