what of the night?”
"The hour has come, the hour is striking and striking at you,
seems to be the most opportune time to say some things that need to be said in
regard to the deception being practiced on concerned Adventists by the
"many voices" on the periphery of Adventism today. To say or write things
which involve the Writings of Ellen G. White in their proper relationship to
the Bible always opens the door to the charge, whether true or not, that one
does not believe in "the Spirit of Prophecy." Having set forth in
this present and previous issue of "Watchman, What of the Night?"
two studies on "A National Sunday Law" using only the Writings of
Ellen G. White according to the rules which she herself set forth for their use
and study, I would hope to allay this charge in writing some things that need
to be said. So that there will be no misunderstanding, let me say categorically
from the start that this editor believes that Ellen G. White possessed a
spiritual gift which is termed "the gift of prophecy."
the "many voices" which Ellen G. White herself prophesied would come
after a certain point in time was reached, and have come, are using her
Writings to either sustain their theories, or as a facade to give a show of
being on the "firm foundation." Tragically, many concerned Adventists,
when they become aware of what has and is taking place within the regular
organization, grasp at any publication which carries articles by Ellen G.
White, believing that here must be the real "historic message."
Others are enamored by studies given by these "voices" which make the
whole or major part of their presentations nothing but a series of
"quotes" from the Writings. [There is an exception. In a
study or presentation of the history of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, there
must be much use made of the Writings, for in them we have God's evaluation of
the events and actions that have taken place in that history.]
has the Lord's messenger actually written as to the people God will have upon
the earth to give the final witness? She stated clearly: God will have a people upon the
earth to maintain the Bible, and the Bible only, as the standard of all
doctrines and the basis of all reforms. (SP,
IV, p. 413)
1894, Ellen G. White wrote, "Our position and faith is in the Bible. And
never do we want any
soul to bring in the Testimonies ahead of the Bible. (Manuscript 7; Emphasis
supplied) Yet there are those today who will state that the Sacred Scriptures
are a composite of the Bible
and the Writings of Ellen G.
White. Yet the one who has so written confesses that he does very little study
of theology, but in his spare time reads history and science. Now
"theology" in its simplest form is the study of God and His workings
in time; in other words, the Bible. What a travesty is being practiced on God's
professed people by this one of the "many voices"!
of the "voices" express concern for what is termed the "new
theology." And there is cause to be alarmed; but what do these voices use?
The Bible? No, they seek to exalt Ellen G. White as
one of "the major prophets" and declare that you have to have her
Writings to even know that the Bible is inspired. The "firm
foundation" for the feet of the saints is not Roman Catholic doctrine
which teaches that we need an authoritative voice to determine the inspiration
of the Bible and how it is to be interpreted. The "new theology"
purports to be based on the Bible. Then those who oppose it need to study their
Bibles so as to be able to refute it, and show from the Bible wherein it is in
error. But these "voices" are not doing it, and when they do use the
Bible in public presentations, they pervert its teachings. An outstanding
example can be cited. What these "voices" need is to take time to
study their Bibles instead of running hither and yon around the world and
across the country teaching heresy under the guise of truth.
Apostle Paul associated heresy with some very heinous sins which he called
"the works of the flesh." (See Gal, 5:19-21) Then he wrote this
strong language:
I have told you in time past, that they which do
such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God. (vs. 21)
those who accept the heresy will fail to attain the kingdom of heaven as well
as those who teach it. A number of "the works of the flesh" involve
the participation of two or more. But to use the Writings of Ellen G. White as
a facade for teaching heresy as most of the "many voices" are doing
reaches the height of blasphemy.
1902, Ellen G. White wrote: "Little heed is given to the Bible, and the Lord has given a
lesser light to lead men and women to the greater light." (Colporteur
Evangelist, p. 37)
How many by reading the publications of the
"many voices" - and some of the more prominent magazines and
newsletters could be named - have been led to devote their time to an intense
study of the "greater light"? If not then the Writings have been
prostituted to serve the personal ends of these "many voices."
if all that these "many voices" can use are the Writings, then the
objective of the Writings has not been realized in their own lives, and thus
they become blind leaders of those they have blinded and are blinding. No one
has a right to claim to be a guide in these final hours of the great controversy
unless he has been immersed in the "greater light." It would be well
if all who today want truth, pure and unadulterated, would perceive as does the
devout Jew the significance of the sacred Scriptures. One scholar has written:
Religious Jews believe that in the Bible the Eternal has entered
into time, the Unseen has taken a visible form, the unknown has become
apparent, the intangible has become tangible in written documents that we can
handle. The Law of God has become incarnate in print. For religious Jews, to
read the scriptures, and even to quote from them, is to be put in touch with
the divine order of Being. That is why in Judaism the
study of the Hebrew Scriptures is worship. It is more important to study them
than to obey them, it is said, because without study you will obey them in the
wrong way.
(Bible Review, June, 1989,
p. 10; "Caps" supplied)
Well has the
"lesser light" stated - "The Bible contains all the principles that
men need to understand in order to be fitted either for this life or for the
life to come. (Education, p. 123)
When are we going to understand
this, and cease to be deceived by the facade men make of the "lesser
light" to cover their deceptions?
"Thy word is a lamp unto
my feet, and a light unto my path." (Ps. 119:105) |