[S]] Sent:
Friday, June 10, 2011 9:44 PM
Webmaster@Adventistlaymen. Com Subject:
Not sure this is really saying what I think it is... …. Not having the book I can’t verify what this is all about but I thought I’d show it to you just in case you wished to check into it further. Note the author: ******* Manuel Cortes' New Book Explores Life and Legacy of Saint Peter Posted on 06/09/11 at 7:00am by webmaster Manuel Cortes' New Book Explores Life and Legacy of Saint Peter Many of the basic ideas and early people involved in the life and death of Christ examined Riverside, CA (PRWEB) June 09, 2011 Many people, both Catholics and non-Catholics, sometimes wonder how the primacy of the pope was established. Is he really the direct representative of God on Earth? How were the first popes chosen? In Es el Papa el Sucesor de San Pedro? (published by Trafford Publishing), a new Spanish-language study of early Christianity, author Manuel Cortes explores the foundations of the church to try and establish the answer. , a disciple of JesusThe first pope of the Catholic church was Peter. He was one of the most prized disciples, having walked with Jesus since being called to do so. He was witness to the miracles of Christ, the healing of the sick and the raising of the dead. His very name – Peter – was chosen by Jesus. He was perhaps the most ardent of the disciples, credited with at least one miracle after the death of Christ. Peter was also one of the most challenging of disciples. He tried to walk on water as Christ had; he failed. When the Romans came to claim Jesus before his crucifixion, Peter lied and claimed not to know Jesus three times before repenting and being forgiven. Es el Papa el Sucesor de San Pedro? is not just about Peter. It also discusses many of the conundrums that confuse readers about early Christianity. Cortes explores the roots of the persecution by Jews of Gentiles and vice versa; he discusses the actions of Roman emperor Constantine that lessened that persecution. Other issues are discussed: recommendations given by Peter to both husbands and wives; the issue of celibacy as well as a comparison of advantages and disadvantages; even the qualifications of the clergy in the church. Es el Papa el Sucesor de San Pedro? is an excellent guide to the life of the early great men and prophets of Catholicism. About the Author Manuel Cortes is a regular Bible reader and researcher. Born in Colombia, he has served in the Seventh Day Adventist Church for more than 40 years. Es el Papa el Sucesor de San Pedro? was written after much research to give the reader an accurate response. Cortes enjoys researching early Christians, the Roman Empire and Christian Greek history. Trafford Publishing, an Author Solutions, Inc. author services imprint, was the first publisher in the world to offer an “on-demand publishing service,” and has led the independent publishing revolution since its establishment in 1995. Trafford was also one of the earliest publishers to utilize the Internet for selling books. More than 10,000 authors from over 120 countries have utilized Trafford's experience for self publishing their books. For more information about Trafford Publishing, or to publish your book today, call 1-888-232-4444 or visit # # # For the original version on PRWeb visit: Read more: |