From: []
Sent: Saturday, March 05, 2011 11:05 AM
To: Eric
Subject: Article of interest..
Catholic-Jewish c'tee
celebrates 40th anniversary in Paris
03/04/2011 01:52
Leaders advocate
strengthening of alliance between faiths in light of rising ‘religious’ hatred
and Middle East uncertainty,
top-level Vatican- Jewish conference in Paris this week marked the fortieth anniversary of the
International Catholic-Jewish Liaison Committee (ILC), the official
interreligious organism created by the Second Vatican Council.
Entrenched in historic memories of tragic as well as glad moments, the
conference commemorated the Holocaust but also celebrated achievements in terms
of friendship, education and hopes for the future by hosting a Young Leadership group.
The event also provided a boat trip on the Seine River complete with a kosher
dinner and spiritual leaders of both faiths joyfully dancing to klezmer music.
Current events in the Mediterranean and Islamic world, however, erupted into
discussions at the final meeting with the tragic news – announced by Cardinal
Jean- Louis Tauran, president of the Vatican’s
Council for Interreligious Dialogue – of the murder of
Pakistan’s Minister for Minorities Shahbaz Bhatti.
“He was a Christian, a man who remained committed to his belief in dialogue
despite his knowledge that his life was in danger” said a visibly upset
Cardinal Tauran. The Vatican later issued a statement
condemning “this unspeakable act of violence,” calling for all to “realize the
dramatic urgency for the defense of religious liberty, and of Christians
subject to violence and persecution.”
Participants agreed that the upsurge of “religious” hatred plus reigning
uncertainty regarding the future of the Middle East called for further
strengthening of the alliance between Christians, Jews and moderate Muslims,
especially via examples of interreligious cooperation on social and educational
The ILC’s joint final declaration expressed “profound sadness at repeated
instances of violence or terrorism ‘in the name of God’
including increased attacks against Christians, and the calls for the
destruction of the State of Israel,” and it deplored “every act of violence
perpetrated in the name of religion.”
News of the Pakistani minister’s murder came immediately following a working
session on “religious communities in the Middle East” with lively participation
by the Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem H.B. Fouad Twal, the Francescan Custos Father Pierbattista Pizzaballa, and representatives of Israel’s Chief Rabbinate
and Foreign Ministry, among others.
Pleas for help in strengthening Palestinian Christian institutions “for the
benefit of all” were heard, while some delegates lamented the
“disproportionate” dearth of media attention to the plight of Christian
minorities in the Middle East.
The ILC – composed of Vatican officials and Catholic clergy and scholars on one
side, and the International Jewish Committee for Interreligious Consultations
(IJCIC) representing the world’s major Jewish organizations on the other – was
created in 1971 to apply and develop the principles of “Nostra Aetate.” This 1965 Vatican II document aimed at permanently
changing the course of a 2,000-year history of Catholic anti-Semitism.
Contemporary dialogue between Catholics and Jews is based on this document,
which denounced all forms of anti-Semitism and particularly the “deicide” myth
that stereotyped the Jewish people as Christ-killers.
The publication of Pope Benedict XVI’s second book, Jesus of Nazareth, was also
announced during the conference.
This book confirms the Pope’s theological and historical considerations
regarding the falsehood of past assertions of Jewish collective responsibility
for the death of Jesus.
The ILC conference was cochaired by Cardinal Kurt
Koch, president of the Holy See’s Commission for Religious Relations with Jews
and Rabbi Richard Marker, chairman of IJCIC.
IJCIC’s 30 Jewish delegates represented 11 Jewish secular and rabbinical
organizations plus observers from the Israeli government, while the 30
Catholics included highest Curia officials such as Cardinals Koch, Tauran and Turkson – who
respectively head the Vatican’s Commission for Religious Relations with Jews,
its Council for Interreligious Dialogue and its Council for Justice and Peace –
as well as other Vatican officials, scholars and leading members of the French
Catholic hierarchy.
On opening night, the president of the French Catholic Bishops Conference,
Cardinal Andre Vingt Trois
recalled the contributions of Jules Isaac, Jacques Maritain, Cardinal Lustiger and others.
The archbishop of Lyons, Cardinal Philippe Barbarin,
and Cardinal Kurt Koch delivered moving speeches
at the sites of the Drancy deportation camp and at a tree-planting ceremony at
the Raincy Jewish Center in memory of Ilan Halimi, a French Jewish
“victim of contemporary anti- Semitism” who was kidnapped, tortured and
murdered by a Paris gang.
The program was poignantly moderated by Rev. Patrick Debois,
renowned for his pioneering work in recent discoveries of mass murder sites in
Belarus, Poland, Ukraine and other areas of Europe, digging out and providing
graves for over a million Jews murdered by Nazis.
Keynote speeches on the past, present and future of Catholic-Jewish relations
worldwide were delivered by the American Jewish Committee’s present and past
directors for International Interreligious Relations, Rabbis David Rosen and
Jim Rudin; Rabbi David Sandmel;
Interreligious Coordination Council in Israel President Deborah Weissman; the head of the Representative Council of French
Jewish Institutions (CRIF) Richard Prasquier; Rev.
Lawrence Frizzell; Monsignor William Murphy; the Francescan Custos Father Pierbattista Pizzaballa;
Monsignor Pier Francesco Fumagalli; and Dr. Christian