Friday, May 20, 2011
3:19 PM
Subject: Dead Sea Scrolls confirm
the Advent Movement
Seems like the enemies of Adventism attack Ellen White in order
to try and destroy the foundation of the Advent Movement which is the Sanctuary
Final Atonement but history has a way of confirming truth.
Dead Sea Scroll 11Q1311Q13 (11QMelch) is a fragment (that can be
dated to the end of the 2nd or start of the 1st century BC) of a text about
Melchizedek found in Cave 11 at Qumran in the Israeli Dead Sea area and which
comprises part of the Dead Sea Scrolls. In this eschatological text,
Melchizedek is seen as a divine being and Hebrew titles as Elohim are applied
to him. According to this text Melchizedek will proclaim the "Day of
Atonement" and he will atone for the people who are predestined to him. He
also will judge the peoples.[31]
Notice that the proclamation of the Day of
Atonement is found in Revelation 14:6,7
This last part of the Dead Sea Scroll statement He also will judge the peoples.[31]
The above statement relates to the Judgment Hour prior to Yeshua's second coming and is also related to Peter's
statement that Judgment begins with the house of God and not the ridiculous
Theology which places the
judgement of those who are saved at the Great White
Throne. The judgement which is mentioned in the
scriptures is the purification of the saints and not the putting of their
salvation in doubt which is the reason why many SDA are confused by believing
that this Judgement is the same as an investigative
Judgment. Investigative judgements are only for
fallen corporate entities such as Laodicea and not for the true people of God.
See John 5:
[24] Truly, truly, I say to you, he who hears my word and
believes him who sent me, has eternal life; he does
not come into judgment, but has passed from death to
life. |