MUSLIM WORLD TO BE CONVERTED TO CHRISTIANITY? With the exception of the Remnant (Rom. 9:27-28; Rev. 12:17) whom God is calling out of Babylon and who will not be deluded into submission to Rome, the Protestant world has surrendered its sacred mission to enlighten the world by the Word of God. The papacy is satisfied that "Protestant" now conforms with its definition of "Christian." Rome has also reached a working accomodation with Judaism, and continues to negotiate relentlessly toward the goal of receiving the keys to the City of Jerusalem on this earth and establishing her presence there (Dan. 11:45,) in opposition to the heavenly Jerusalem (Heb. 12:22.) Now an authorized spokesman for the Vatican has stated that "We have a mission to convert all non-Christian religions’ people [except] Judaism." The statement was made in response to the specific question whether "Catholics must seek to convert Muslims to Christianity":- Christians have 'mission to convert' Muslims - Cardinal Christians still have a “mission to convert” Muslims and members of other religions to Christianity even in the face of persecution in the Middle East, one of Pope Francis’s most senior aides has insisted. But Cardinal Kurt Koch, the Vatican’s head of ecumenical relations, emphasised that Roman Catholic teaching rules out missionary activity aimed at Jewish people because they are regarded as God’s “chosen” people. He said that, despite fundamental differences in beliefs between the two faiths, especially over the figure of Jesus, Christians should view Judaism as a “mother”. But, although Islam also shares common roots with the two religions, it did not have the same “unique relationship” as Christianity and Judaism, he insisted. The Cardinal was speaking after an intense two-day round of interfaith dialogue between senior Catholic and Jewish leaders behind closed doors, organised through the Woolf Institute in Cambridge. . . “In this sense we have only with Jewish people this unique relationship that we have not with Islam.” Asked whether this meant Catholics must seek to convert Muslims to Christianity, he said: “We have a mission to convert all non-Christian religions’ people [except] Judaism. “And what is very important for us is that we can make mission only with a credible witness and without any proselytism.” He added that this extended to the Jihadi groups responsible for persecution of Christians in the Middle East. . . The question is not if the Roman Catholic and Muslim worlds will come together eventually. The prophecy is clear: ". . . and all the world wondered [margin "followed"] after the beast," (Rev. 13:3.) The question is when, - before or after the false messiah appears? His appearance will be centered in Jerusalem (Isa. 14; Isa. 2.) |