XXX – 3&4(97) Excerpts “Watchman, what of the night?” "The hour has come, the hour is
striking and striking at you,
the Ignorance?
Page 6 Whenever
Jesus' prophecy as stated in Luke 21:24 is presented to a group of concerned
Adventists where I have not spoken previously, or who are unacquainted with the
work of the Adventist Laymen's Foundation, the reaction is that they are
hearing a new teaching strange to Adventist thought. This ought not to be the
case, but why is it? First let us consider the history of this teaching. In 1898, Edson White wrote in The Coming
We also read that " In 1944, the
question of
Palestine and Jerusalem do not have a bright future in this
present world, and those who are holding the hope of
national restoration for the Jews are following a theological will-o'-wisp.
(p.95) This concept
was followed in 1947 in another paperback published by the Pacific Press.
Written by Roy F. Cottrell, it
The God of heaven who overthrew the city and nation and who
because of their apostasy dispersed the inhabitants to the ends of the earth, forever settles the question of a complete return and
restoration in old The very
next year - 1948 -
The recent dramatic restoration of the nation of
There is one prophecy concerning Maxwell
noted that while the forces of Citing the
history of Israel when they were first promised Palestine, Maxwell commented
that they could not possess it "for a certain time because 'the iniquity
of the Amorites' was 'not yet full' (Gen. 15:16); that is, not until the
probationary time allotted to the Amorites had run out." Then he
It may well be that the same principle applies today, on a
wider scale. If so, then
It should be
observed that Maxwell returned to the position of Edson White and associated
the phrase, "times of the Gentiles," with the close of probation.
What both failed either to see or to understand was that the term "the
Gentiles" is in the Greek,
ta eqnh
(ta ethne) the
nations as corporate bodies. This one word is translated both ways in Luke
21:24-25 KJV. When Luke
21:24 was fulfilled in 1967, what reaction is found in Adventist publications?
In the 20th Century Bible Course, a series of Bible studies used in
evangelistic outreach, Lesson 5 was captioned - "Time Running Out.
Question #2 asks - "What sign did Jesus give that would indicate when the
destruction of the city [
The city of Question #3
asks - "How long did Christ say that
Old This is just
what we have been holding forth for over two decades, and to
many, who hear it for the first time, it is new and strange teaching, and
others oppose it - previously published, Biblically based, Church teaching! But
should not the same attitude apply to the fulfilled prophecy of Jesus in 1967,
as indicated in the Bible Course, marked the Christians in A.D. 66? And is it
not equally true in 1967, as stated for 66 - Jesus gave this prophecy to His
disciples "so that they could be saved"? Page
7 In 1980, the
Noting the
eschatological discourse of Jesus on the
We shall not linger over the numerous signs given by Jesus
in this discourse. Only one will occupy our attention, the one that especially
deals with time. Even in our days it constitutes a critical point in the
political world: He observed that
few today would deny the precision of this prophecy. He cites the historical
record of the city's destruction in AD 70; the dispersion of the Jews into all
nations; the domination of the city by Gentile forces over the centuries; and
its present restoration to the control of
This prophecy of Jesus was a sign for the Christians of the
Dr. Zurcher then warns his readers
that "if we cannot see that Jerusalem is an exceptional sign of the times,
then might we not be placing ourselves in the same position as the religious
leaders who knew how to 'discern the face of the sky ' but could not discern
the obvious 'signs of the times' ?" (pp.71-72)
The detailed analysis which follows this
warning needs to be carefully studied. This we shall do in the next issue of
WWN as well as to note official church reaction to this prophecy of Jesus. (To be continued)
the Ignorance? (2) Behind this question is another question -
why should Luke 21:24 as presented in the publications of the Adventist
Laymen's Foundation be considered a "new teaching in Adventism"? In
answering this second question, we cited in the March issue of WWN, the
statement of James Edson White in his book, The
Coming King; we noted the emphasis placed on this verse by Arthur S.
Maxwell in the paper he presented to the 1952 Bible Conference; we called
attention to the teaching of this prophecy in the 20th Century Bible Course.
Then we introduced what Dr J. R. Zurcher had written in his book, Christ of the Revelation,
released as a If
we cannot see that How did Dr. Zurcher
understand this prophecy of Jesus as given in Luke 21:24? He wrote: In
order for us to understand Jesus' statement, three questions need answering, First, what exactly does the expression "the times of
the Gentiles" mean? Then, what should be understood by the fulfilment of the times of the Gentiles? Finally, what
connection is there between the retaking of As
I understand the Biblical language, the times of the Gentiles is the period set
aside by God for the evangelization of the heathen nations. It is not the time
needed for them to be converted to Christianity, as some think, but for them to
hear the gospel. It is in this sense that Jesus said: "This gospel of the
kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a
witness to all nations; and then shall the end come" (Matthew 24:14). I
believe that the times of the Gentiles began in AD 34, when the prophetic
seventy weeks that God set aside for the people of Granted, we through "Watchman, What of the Night?"
taught these very same concepts some eight years prior to the release of Dr. Zurcher's book by the Southern Publishing Association. Yet
the same things we were teaching during those years,
were published by a recognized Church press, being used as the Adult Sabbath
School Lessons' helps for that quarter. Further, the paper prepared by Arthur
S. Maxwell, as published in Vol. II of the 1952 Bible Conference report, Our Firm Foundation, was called to my
attention, after we had published our understanding of Luke 21:24, by Elder D.
K. Short when I was visiting with him one day in his home in The reaction of the Church to Zurcher's book when his comments on Luke 21:24 were
published gives a clue. A friend wanted a copy of the book for himself and went
to the ABC outlet in his conference to obtain a copy, but could not find one
displayed. He made inquiry and was told that they had been asked to remove them
from their shelves, but that he was holding them under the counter awaiting
further instruction. This friend purchased them all, and sent me a second copy
for our library. Another factor put forth a deception both in
fact of historical record and in teaching. In 1974, a series of Bible Conferences
were held in the North American Division. The thrust of these conferences was
to confirm the basic methodology of interpreting the Scriptures which lay at
the foundation of Adventism. It was an attempt to offset the liberalism
entering Adventism because of the adoption of a different set of hermeneutics
by which the Word of God was being studied and projected. That is another
question in and of itself which is discussed in depth
by a new publication, Receiving the Word.
At the 1974 Bible Conferences, Dr. Herbert E. Douglass was assigned the topic -
"The Unique Contribution of Adventist Eschatology." In this paper, he
stated: Adventists
do not see theological importance in the establishment of the Jewish state in
1948 or the annexation of Old While it is true there is no theological
importance to be attached to the establishment of the Jewish state in 1948,
except that "coming events [do] cast their shadows before." (Desire of Ages, p.636) But, there is
"importance" in "the annexation of Old Jerusalem in 1967." Page 6 Observe again what Douglass was saying -
"Adventists do not see ... " Does this mean that Arthur S. Maxwell,
as Editor of The Signs of the Times,
who said at the 1952 Bible Conference – “There is one prophecy concerning
Palestine that we should all be watching with special care" - and quoted
Luke 21:24, was not an Adventist? Elder Denton E. Rebok, Secretary of the Bible
Conference in his "General Introduction" to the two volume conference
report, wrote that while these presentations were not to be understood as
"an official pronouncement of the church, they do, however, represent the
best thinking on the part of sincere, honest, earnest, devoted loyal men -
Seventh-day Adventists, first, last, and always." (Our Firm Foundation, Vol.1, p.13) Does this mean that Dr. J. R. Zurcher, who in 1974 was Secretary of the Euro-Africa
Division of the General Conference was not a
Seventh-day Adventist? He wrote plainly in his book, Christ of the Revelation, translated and published in 1980 by the
Southern Publishing Association, that "if we cannot see that Jerusalem is
an exceptional sign of the times," we could be making the same mistake the
Jewish leaders of Israel did when they could not discern the Living Truth in their
day. And he was referring to Luke 21:24! Was A. E. Lickey,
a pastor-evangelist of the Church, who authored the 20th Century Bible Course
not an Adventist? He perceived the significance of Luke 21:24, and wrote in
Lesson 5 - "This portion of Christ's prophecy was fulfilled in our
day!" The evidence indicates that it was Douglass
who was out of step with Adventist thinking in regard to Luke 21:24. There is a
reason. The implication of Luke 21:24 being fulfilled was
not palatable to the hierarchy of the Church. So to counteract the significance
of what God was saying by permitting this prophecy to be fulfilled, Douglass in
his 1974 Bible Conference presentation adopted a new prophetic hermeneutic
known as the "harvest principle." This concept teaches "the
conditionality of the Advent," meaning that Christ will not come until
"a prepared people" will "vindicate His integrity and law."
(Insight, October 7, 1980, p.5) This
could prolong the coming of Jesus into the decades of the first century of the
next millennium - if not longer! Further, it promotes a preparation which is
"works" orientated muting the fact that the final atonement by which
a people are prepared is the initiative of God in conjunction with the final
ministry of the Great High Priest in the Heavenly Sanctuary. This is indicated
in a clearer understanding of the typical Day of Atonement. The "harvest principle"
eschatology has no precedent in Salvation history. In fact, it is contrary to
the revelation of God in the Scriptures. Of the antediluvian world, God said -
"My Spirit shall not always strive with man." (Gen. 6:3) That God has
not changed. Jesus said, "So shall it be also in the days of the Son of
man." (Luke 17:26) To Daniel was revealed the times of the Jewish nation -
"Seventy weeks are determined upon thy people." (Dan. 9:24) Jesus revealed
the limit to "the times of the Gentiles," which followed (Luke
21:24). Paul warned the Gentiles - "If He spared not the natural branches,
take heed lest He also spare not thee." (Rom. 11:21) There is a limit to
God's forbearance. He has told us that the hour of forbearance has been reached
in the fulfilment of Luke 21:24. |